Mothering Older Kids – How They Prepare for Flight

Mothering Older Kids - How They Prepare For Flight You don't prepare them. They make the necessary preparations on their own. You are simply there to lift them up when they fall. My youngest baby...

Becoming A One Car Family

Becoming A One Car Family I know that I've always been lucky when it came to a set of wheels. My parents bought me my first car at 18. When my husband and I got...
Daughter hates me

“I Hate You And I Wish You Would Die”

Those exact words came out of my daughters mouth last week. I sort of expected something like that to happen someday, but not at 6 years old. I should point out that she didn’t say...

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Childhood cancer is so unnatural. It is abrupt and changes the lives of the patients and their families instantly. Children should never be burdened with the pain, fear, and the uncertainty of...

Fashion Friday: Back To School Shopping!

It's that time of year again - back to school shopping. I love to shop and my daughter, Saylor, follows right in my footsteps. My son, Parker, however loathes everything about shopping starting from...

Perfect Moms Don’t Exist….Real Moms Do!

Perfect Moms Don’t Exist….Real Moms Do! There is no such thing as the perfect mom or parenting perfection. However, society and specifically social media do a great job of convincing us that perfect moms do...

Ultimate Guide for Holiday Events In Austin

The Holidays are Here!  Can you feel the excitement?  Austin never disappoints in making the holidays so much brighter with all of the festivities it has ALL OVER TOWN! With all of the things mamas...
Lazy Potty Training

Is Lazy Potty Training Right For You?

I remember when my first kid (boy) was two and a half. He was enrolled in a Mother's Day Out program, and he was the youngest, yet tallest and heaviest, child in his class....

Transitioning From Three to Four Children: Tips & Myths

One question I get asked more often than any other is, "Which transition was the toughest...two to three or three to four? I never actually answer this question directly, because if I'm being completely honest,...
try for a third

Should We Try for a Third?

Growing up I was an only child, which meant I decided I wanted to have 12 kids when I got married. I assume it might be the same way if you grew up in...