Let’s go back to the days when you liked watching Elmo and we could sing Itsy Bitsy Spider together….I’m not ready to explain the exact process of how babies are made.

A little back story: When I was preggo with my 3rd baby, my oldest son (5 at the time) wanted to know how the baby got in my belly. I told him that daddy put a seed in my belly, the seed found an egg, and then a baby grew. It was simple and logical, that answer sufficed for him at the time. He actually seemed wowed by the idea.

Well that said 5 year old is now 8. Not too long ago while driving in the car this is our random conversation:

K – “Mom, where does the seed come out of daddy that gets in your belly to make a baby?”

Me – {I choked on my gum and almost wrecked the car.} Oh hell. I panicked and said “It’s magic.”

K – “Moooooom, I’m being serious. I’m smarter than that.”

Me – {Crap, he is right.} “Son, it is complicated and I think it is a topic we should talk about with your dad, can we talk about it later?”

K – “Yes mom, but don’t forget because I really want to know.”

Me – “Okay, just remind me”

The end. Until 5 days later. Crap.

Well, the Hubs and I prepared for the conversation…we went back on forth on what to say and how to respond. I have never been one of those parents that wants to make up some cheesy story about how babies get here or come out, etc. {They know how and where babies come out, that for some reason was easier and they thought it was hilarious.}

My husband had an idea on what to say and while I laughed hysterically when he told me and I thought it would never work he said to trust him, so I did. When we were asked again my husband responded with “Mommy has special eggs that can grow babies, but first dad has to nurture the egg and give it permission to make a baby, then it does and that is how you 3 boys got here.” My sons looked at him with amazement and said “Oh, cool.”

What?!? “Oh cool” that was it, it was that easy? I really thought we were going to have to fully explain intercourse to him and we are no where near ready to do that. He is only 8 for Pete’s sake. Some talks have started already, but not that one. I want to preserve his innocence for as long as I possibly can, let’s certainly not grow up any faster than we have to! Being a kid doesn’t last long enough.

Have you had to have these conversations in your house? What were your responses & reactions?

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    •  It will be a sad sad day in our house when everyone is too big for Elmo and Mickey….I will need therapy 🙁 So glad to still be rocking Elmo with my little one!!! I need another 😉

  1. Obviously I’m nowhere near this conversation, but my nephew still thinks he came out of mommy’s belly button. Lol!

    •  When I had P the other 2 boys were very curious to how he came out, they asked about the belly button and if I pooped him out LOL…after that I decided to just explain it. They thought it was hilarious. That was quite an educational time for our family HA!

  2. The best advice I received on this subject was to see what they know about sex first.  My daughter is also 8 and last year she asked me about sex but thought it was just kissing while being naked. She told me that “All second graders know about sex”.  So get ready moms!  They are already talking about it at a young age.  This year she found out about Santa and the Easter bunny, wanted to know about tampons, and insisted on the real truth about sex.  It scared me to death but once I told her, it wasn’t so bad! She was grossed out and said she was never going to have sex. (good response daughter!) The santa claus talk was a bit more dramatic-she was upset with us for lying to her “all these years” but then she got over it and said he was a creepy guy anyways.  ha.  Kids are way smarter and better at handling things than we give them credit for–we are the ones who make things a bigger deal than it actually is.  :0)

    •  I do think parents over react sometimes. I never let him know that the conversation stressed me out, to him it was just like any other conversation we had. We have had to have certain talks with him since he started school as well because there is always “that kid” at school telling everyone else about sex or Santa, etc. I had that scare in Kinder. I tell my kids more than a lot of other parents do at this age because I want these conversations to be open and comfortable…but on the inside I am stressed and just want him to be 3 again! Just sad that they grow up so stinking fast 🙁

  3. Agreed. It’s better you provide the child with the correct information before another child gives them misinformation. For example, by kindergarten I had told my girls where babies came out of (both c-section & naturally). I’m glad I did because one other little girl from their class told them Babies came out of the mommies butt. My girls already knew the truth, so they came home & laughing, told me what the girl said. When I told them the truth, I had also told them they are not to educate other children, that their parents will educate them themselves.


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