Have you noticed that most people only post the “good stuff” on Facebook? This online brag-book has become the place to post your pretty pictures and impressive accomplishments (If I see one more Crossfit workout stat I may hurl). In the same way, Pinterest is fueling a competitive creative culture that has transcended the Web in a way Martha Stewart only wishes she could. Like seriously, does a kid need a birthday party that looks like it took more planning than my wedding?

What I love about Austin Moms Blog, as opposed to almost competitive sites such as Facebook or Pinterest, is its ability to be candid when sharing (in an always adorable and often TMI fashion!) topics such as booger eating, natural birth, stretch marks, or even miscarriage and eating disorders.

Part of being a woman and a mother is historically about image, and this generation of mothers is caught between the brutally honest world of mommy bloggers and the perfect image moms project on Facebook or Pinterest. Maybe it is just something about being a woman that makes us compare ourselves to others, especially to other moms. There are certain types that are especially intimidating whether online or in real life . . .

The Marathon Madre: You see her at Zilker pushing her double Bob like it’s nothing, she posts her run times online, and her kids know the Lifetime Fitness childcare workers by name. Tan, toned, and totally a badass.

The Manicured Mommy: Image is everything to this well-groomed mommy, and she makes you all too conscious of your unwashed hair and spit-up stained t-shirt. A member of the milk + honey VIP Program, she can often be found strolling the Domain looking fabulous and posting pictures of that fabulousness.

The Zen Mama: Never flustered, always calm, she never breaks a sweat and definitely never raises her voice. She somehow juggles three kids and never misses her class at Yoga Yoga or Kula Yoga Center.

The Entrepeu-Mom: Now why didn’t I think of that? This one isnt annoying at all but can definitely be intimidating! Just like Austin mom Allison Schickel who recently made news for creating a product called the Brobe for cancer patients and new mommies, the Entrepeu-Mom takes those good ideas and makes them happen, making some cash along the way.

The Martha Mommy: She feels just as comfortable at Savory Spice Shop on 6th Street as she does at The Stitch Lab on 1st. The Martha Mommy gets dinner on the table AND laundry done before posting her latest creations on Pinterest. What, does her kid take four hour naps or what?

So here’s a little secret. There is no such thing as ANY of these moms. Maybe some of us are more creative or business-savvy or calm than others, but we are all combinations of each of these and are all just doing our best to be the best mommies, wives, and women we can be (and projecting that very best image online). Just remember that little fact the next time your news feed makes you nauseous! And if you want a dose of reality, head on over to Austin Moms Blog. You know we keep it real on this journey known as motherhood.

What Austin Mommy Image did we forget??? Which one are you?


  1. Love this entry! You forgot the organic mom. The mom who only buys organic food from whole foods or heck, she grows it all herself and the stews it, pickles it, cans it and then creates amazing healthly meals from it. Ok, this woman drives me nuts.
    I see nothing wrong with a little brag here or there on FB, I do it myself from time to time. But, most of the time I am posting how not so perfect my life can be.
    I think I would go insane if I was that perfect mom. So here’s to being not-so-perfect!!

    • “So here’s to being not-so-perfect!” PERFECT comment, Tracyann! I guess I didn’t include the organic mama because I still haven’t given up hope of being her . . . Lol. 😉 Glad y’all enjoyed!

    • Aaagh! I love it! I’m totally inspired by those “grow it yourself-ers”, but haven’t broken down to do it. We’re all annoying in our own right.

      • Ha, I love it Allison….all annoying in our own right. I am the all organic mama and have a garden in my back yard….don’t brag about it much though haha and have yet to can it…..just eat it that week 🙂

  2. I LOVE this!! You forgot the inspirational quote mom…Gawd this mom drives me crazy posting here googled quote of the day or inspirational picture.

  3. I am laughing so hard right now! I LOVE this post Jessica =) and I agree with you about us being a mixture of all of those “types” of mamas.


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