Today is the day.  I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby.  At 10:30 this morning, we will find out whether our son, Trent, is getting a baby brother or baby sister.  It is a surreal moment that I can’t believe is actually here.  I actually didn’t want to find out, but my husband convinced me we should, and now that we’ve made that decision, I can’t wait!  I thought it would be fun to compare some of the old wives’ tales associated with gender prediction and see if I could come up with a reasonable guess as to what this baby is!  I went with some of the ones I considered most common, but there are tons of myths apparently (ranging from the color of your urine to what direction your pillow faces)!

First up – heartbeat!  The rumor is if your baby’s heartbeat is above 140, you are having a girl and below, duh, means boy.  So far, this baby’s heartbeat has been measured twice.  The first time it was 170 and the second time was 157.  That would mean GIRL.  {However, with Trent, his was also always above 140 but lower than this baby….Hmmm…}

Second – Chinese gender chart – This is based on the woman’s age at conception and the month of conception.

Now there are a million of these online and I get just as many ‘girl’ as ‘boy’ results.  What I did was find the same one that predicted Trent to be a boy and used that one.  Result?  {Look for the yellow star which is probably TMI.}  GIRL

Third – The mother’s face (oh yay, let’s dissect that).  If it’s round, full and rosy, it’s a girl.  If you have more acne, it’s a girl.  {The story goes that this is because a girl baby is already stealing your beauty.  Ha!}  I would definitely say I gain weight in my face while pregnant and acne becomes my best friend, which are both super fun.  So you’d think GIRL, but my face is exactly the same as with Trent.  So another unclear one…

Fourth (and last that I’ll cover) – The Ring Test.  Suspend your wedding ring over the pregnant belly. If it swings left to right, it’s a boy. If it rotates, it’s a girl.  I did this several times and had Brent do it as well.  It always rotated but half the time swung as well.  So I guess I’d say GIRL.

So based on all these ‘tests’, it looks like we’re having a girl, but I’ll believe it when I see it. {grin}  I will definitely provide an update when we officially know!

What about you?  Did you do any of these tests while you were preggo?  What was the verdict…true or false?

Editor’s Note: See Jessica’s blog about how to creatively reveal the gender of your baby on Facebook.  Maybe Allena will take us through her journey with this step, too!



  1. So exciting!  Finding out the gender of both of my boys’ were THE most fun days!  I always had conflicting results with the old wives’s tales.  I think they were more accurate with my first, but the second time around, I thought I was going to have a Girl, but that proved to be false.  🙂  Looking forward to your update!

  2. I didn’t do any of these test while pregnant, but I just went back and did the Chinese calendar test and it’s right!  PINK POWER!!! 

  3.  Three days before we found out, I got a fortune cookie where the lucky word was “girl.” So I searched for Chinese Predictors all over and most of them said girl, too. I thought for sure I was having a boy but lo and behold, the Chinese were right!

  4. Well, according to 3 of the 4 tests, my son should’ve been a girl. And as far as the 4th test, well, let’s just say the chart doesn’t go up as high as it needs to for the mother’s age.  😉


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