Vanessa Barry

Vanessa Barry
Vanessa is the co-founder of Austin Moms Blog. She is also the Director of Communications for IDEA Public Schools, a nationally recognized network of K-12 public charter schools serving more than 15,000 students. She has a blast learning, loving and laughing with her four-year-old little lady, Caroline Grace.

Farmers Markets in Austin

I was first introduced to Farmers Market two Thanksgivings ago while on vacation in Maryland.  I loved seeing the local vendors and also loved the prices.  When we lived in Dallas, the Dallas Famers...

Birth Control Low Down

We've all been there and asked ourselves, what birth control method is best for me and my family? Well, we thought would be a good idea to give you some perspective on three different...

Worth It Wednesday: Umbrella Stroller

If you're like me you registered for a travel system when you found out you were having a bundle of joy...and if you're like me you learned rather quickly that those giant strollers are...

What in the “WOD”?

Let's play a word association game.  When I say "WOD" what comes to mind?  Maybe "wod" of cash or spit "wod"...definitely not "I can't wait to WOD!" In the world of CrossFit Round Rock, "WOD"...

Need a Solution for Outgrowing Toys? Tub Of Toys in the Answer!

Do you have a closet full of toys your growing toddler has outgrown?  Have you ever stubbed your toe on that dusty 6 month old toy that's still in the play area?  I know I...

We Are Family!

Now that we're a month old, we thought it would be a good time to introduce you to our blog family, City Moms Blog Network.  I was introduced to City Moms Blog Network (CMBN)...

Giveaway: Photo Session by Sweet Pixel Photography

Congratulations to Lauren Conrad for winning last week's giveaway! Oh boy, do we have a giveaway for you?! Sweet Pixel Photography is giving away one FREE mini-session with a few of the professionally edited high-resolution photos on a CD to...

Daddy Dilemma: Baseball or Ballet

Now that Caroline is walking and talking, it’s time to start thinking about what extra curricular activities she is going to participate in as she gets older. This discussion has created a certain parenting...

Bye Bye Baby Weight!

How long can I use the excuse "Oh...I just had a baby" to make up for my tighter clothes?  Probably not much longer.  She's reaching the 17 month mark which is a hop, skip...

Academic Focus for a Preschooler…Yes Please!

When Matt and I started our search for the perfect preschool for Caroline, I knew that I wanted a place with an academic focus.  It was my mentality that the nurture piece will...