If you take most Christmas songs at face value, you'd think the holidays were just about home-cooked meals shared by loving, smiling family members and followed by joyful walks through the snow-covered park.  Isn't that how everyone spends the...
It's the last full week of Christmas shopping.  If you missed the boat on online shopping, fear not!  There are still plenty of amazing local shops in the ATX that have everything (and more!) that you need.  Here is...

DIY Gifts Under $10

Between family, friends, kid's teachers, neighbors, and those other special people in our lives, there are a TON of gifts to go around. I don't care who you are or what kind of money you make, everyone has a...
One thing in my life that is always pretty organized is my closet. It may not be organized to the point that any other rational human being would ever know how it's organized, but I can find exactly what...

Get Your Wrap On!

Wrapping presents is one of my favorite things, ever. In fact, I think about my wrapping theme for a couple of weeks before I really settle on something. Now, I realize not everyone shares my excitement around wrapping presents,...

Music Forever

Free Puppet Show "Iris in the land of Black and White", Give-away, and Free Music Forever Music Together Sample Classes Music Forever Music Together is thrilled to announce their new Bee Cave location at West Austin Dance Academy. Starting this...
Truth be told -- we only ever go to two places to see Santa Claus ... so, naturally, I think they are the best!  But it's a tradition I love ... not so much the screaming kids on Santa's...
How to talk to your kids about Santa? Well, the thing is, like most mothering topics, there is no right or wrong way. Not only is it different for each family, I think it's different with each child. You...
I am the Shortcut Mom and nowhere is that more evident than during the holiday shopping season. I pride myself on having not set foot inside a mall between Thanksgiving and New Years Day for at least the last...
Your smartphone should be able to handle the drops, dips, dunks and drool of your daily life. That's why we've created the Hydro Series of waterproof Android smartphones, including the Hydro EDGE. Kyocera: Live more, fear less. Follow the directions...