Austin Moms Blog | The first time my child called someone else mom

The Day My Child Called Someone Else “MOM”

It was like a knife to the heart the first time I heard my son call his teacher Mom. Now, my very trusted neighbor is my son’s teacher. I’m extremely lucky to be able to...

Top 10 Things I Miss About {The Original} Austin

I am an Austin original, an Austinite if you will. My parents grew up in Michigan, my dad worked for Warner Bros and they had a job for him in Houston. While in Houston,...

Meet Bethany Farnsworth :: Magazine Editor to Coffee Lovin’ SAHM

Let me set the scene: A preschooler is dressed for a school pageant in a plastic Strawberry Shortcake smock, the pockets filled with notepads and pencils. Her parents are trying to convince her to leave...