When Co-Founder Vanessa Barry blogged about the Elf on the Shelf I had already seen and heard about the little guy and contemplated the purchase. When I first saw the Elf on the Shelf I was at Pottery Barn Kids at Barton Creek Mall shopping with my mom. I decided not to get him that day, because Lincoln still seems so little and unable to understand the concept. Then I read Vanessa’s blog and changed my mind to make the purchase.
The Elf on the Shelf retails at $29.95. I’m really fortunate in that my mom works part time for Pottery Barn and receives a pretty hefty discount. As a gift to our family she purchased the Elf for about $18 plus tax.
I’m happy we have “Elf” for future Christmas’ when Lincoln can understand, but as of now, he’s still too young to “get” it. Elf on the Shelf is a great tradition to start with your kids and is definitely worth the money, but now’s a perfect time to find him on sale!!!! So even MORE worth it! I found Elf on the Shelf on sale through various online resources, but you can still get him here in Austin at places like Barnes and Noble for retail $29.95. A great thing about Elf on the Shelf is that he comes in different skin, hair, and eye colors so you can find one that fits within your family dynamics or you can find one that looks nothing like your family!
And next year you may be that crazy mama finding unique places for Elf to hide/spy like in the refrigerator on a carton of milk or hanging onto a wine bottle. Or how about this friend of my sister who set her elf up to donate blood?! So cute!!!
Compliments of Brie Garcia McLean: