As soon as your child is ejected from your body, your brain instantly changes. It’s the craziest thing! The way we see the world is forever changed and that includes advertisements. I remember Nipplegate several years ago and I remember thinking to myself…was that reaaallllyy a big deal? But now that I have a kid who immitates everything she sees…I realize how big of a slip that was for the families watching across American.

Well, your AMB writing team was tasked to keep track of their opinion on the best and worst ad during yesterday’s game and here’s our report card.


Best: Hyundai commercial with the Cheetah being released to race the car.

This commercial was towards the beginning of the Super Bowl and I just loved it! I laughed out loud! I was all prepared to see the cheetah outrun the Hyundai and then he turns around and takes off after the animal handler. As a daughter, wife, daughter in law, niece, cousin, sister in law, and mother to hunters, I thought the irony was classic even though the commercial was about a car and a cheetah not hunting. It was simply cute!

Worst: Jack in the Box commercial where he marries the bacon.

I’m still annoyed with Jack in the Box for changing their signs, logo, branding, but taking that out of the equation, I just thought it was gross. He picks out an engagement ring for bacon? “you May Now Eat the Bride”???? What else is left to say? I was grossed out and have better odds of buying a Hyundai than eating at Jack in the Box.


I thought the commercials were bleh this year. I reallllyyy loved the Volkswagen Commercial last year and was holding everything to that standard.

Best: Samsung “I believe in a thing called love”

I love that song and I loved that it wasn’t over sexualized like a lot of the commercials this year. I thought it was clever and I sort of want one of those things even though I’m an apple girl. I think the best part was just that people REALLY get that excited for new technology so it was kind of funny to see it exaggerated. Loved the ending “That was over the top!”

Worst: Go Daddy Commercial

Go Daddy commercials just get on my nerves. Maybe because I don’t think Danika Patrick is all of that, but I hate that she’s always taking off her clothes and then you have to go to the web site to see more…just inappropriate. I wouldn’t want my teenage boy to see that commercial and excuse himself from game time to go see what else Mrs. Patrick has to reveal. But, I will say, when we had to buy our domain and hosting, etc…we used

I also liked the eTrade commercial with the dad and the baby outside of the nursery.

What about you? What was your fav?

Vanessa Barry
Vanessa is the co-founder of Austin Moms Blog. She is also the Director of Communications for IDEA Public Schools, a nationally recognized network of K-12 public charter schools serving more than 15,000 students. She has a blast learning, loving and laughing with her four-year-old little lady, Caroline Grace.


  1. Sorry I didn’t get any replies in . . . we’re dealing with a little one over here with a 103 temp. GOOD times! What I did see was not impressive. I am soooo with you on go daddy, and you put it so well. I did see a really cute car commercial toward the end (after V was FINALLY asleep) with bugs riding on the front. Couldn’t tell you what car it was because my brain was officially fried by that point after a long day with a sick kiddo, but the bugs were cute. 🙂

  2. I enjoyed your post. For me the only entertainment value were a few commericals…other than that it was just a chance to hang out with the other wives (who really didn’t care about the game.) The commerical I thought was kind of funny was the Audi one where the head lights vaporized all the vampires, advertising there new super bright headlights (as bright as the sun). I am a huge Twilight fan and it made me laugh.


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