There is nothing that brings out my inner {okay, not so inner} geek than talking about books and libraries. I am the definition of a book worm. I have read for 8+ hours straight on a Saturday {pre babies, of course}, I have read 2 books in 1 day, I am sometimes reading 2,3 or more books at one time. See? Book Worm!


This week is National Library Week, so I thought I’d tell you a little bit about my hometown library and the coolest thing about libraries in Texas that you might not know.


I grew up in Pflugerville, moved away for a little bit…and after SWEARING to NEVER.LIVE.IN.PFLUGERVILLE.AGAIN…moved back to Pflugerville. When I got my first library card way back as a wee elementary school lass, the Pflugerville Library was in an old house. My elementary school BFF, Allison (Hi Allison!!!), and I have talked as adults about how cool that library was. You walked in, and the front room had the checkout counter as well as ALL the kids books and the coolest window seat for reading. I could have spent hours there.

As Pflugerville has grown, so has the library. It is actually in the midst of an expansion to greatly increase the size of the library as well as the services offered. What I think is so cool about libraries now is all the extras you get. Our library has movie night, kids story times, adult craft times, educational seminars, even a knitting group. Pretty awesome in addition to…you know…FREE books!

Now….drumroll please…the COOLEST things about Texas libraries you might not know…

1. The TexShare program. Ever heard of it? Essentially, it is a way to borrow books from OTHER participating libraries for free! Because I have a membership to my hometown library and a TexShare card {cost=free}, I can become a member at other libraries (I belong to RR and Georgetown) without having to pay the normal fee when you don’t live in the community.

2. The Digital Lending Library. Did you know that a lot of public libraries are now lending audio books and e-reader books? I have a Kindle and love reading digital books…but I don’t really like the price tag that comes with them. Now I can check them out from a database for…you guessed it…FREE!

I bet you didn’t realize there were so many cool things about libraries these days!

Do you love to read? What is your favorite book or favorite thing about your local library?



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