Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all of the amazing women that spent months watching their body change with stretch marks and extra weight, spent countless hours in labor, who were forced into sleepless nights, dealt with grotesque...
Well well well...seems TIME magazine has ruffled feathers and caused quite the stir. Have you seen the latest cover? Well if you haven't, here it is... I haven't had a chance to buy the magazine to read the article, but...
Do you have an eating disorder? Before rumors get started, I’d like to start off by saying two things: Today is not actually about eating disorders and no, I don’t have one. But the headline got your attention right? Well...
You know the old saying . . . If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. Well I am not going to lie, I have spent many years of my life "horse-poor"-- paying to get my horse's hooves shod...
So we have to keep these things alive and make sure they thrive?  No, I'm not talking about a plant...I'm talking about our kids!  As soon as they reach "toddler" status, it's less about the lovin' and more about...
Forget Cinco de Drinko-- for a lot of horse-crazy folks out there, this weekend was all about Derby Day! Well if the big race got you pining for a pony or hoping for some horsey time, then you're in luck ....
Doesn't a manicure and pedicure sound nice right about now? Or what about a massage? I used to hear the term "Mothers Day Out" and assumed it was an opportunity for Mommy to drop off Baby and have some much...
CINCO DE DRINKO is what we used to call it in that I'm a mom--not so much. Well, if you're not in the mood drink margaritas all day (or maybe you are in the mood but motherhood is getting...
Last Friday night Wesley and I decided to have a family date night so we took Lincoln to Sandy’s Hamburgers.  The beauty of Sandy’s is that there is an inside or outside area to eat as well as a...
So, this is part of the "things you don't really want to talk about, but need to talk about" side of parenting.  Should we stick to nicknames for our kiddos private parts or teach them the proper names when...