Au Pair Laura and Mom Angie pose in front of Austin's downtown skyline with happy baby in the baby carrier.

Au Pair life: Tips from a Current Mom and Former Au Pair

When I was 17 I moved to Paris. Without wealthy parents to support me, working as an Au Pair was the only available ticket to freedom and adventure abroad. With a shoe-box chambre de...
Austin Moms Blog | 50+ Gift Ideas for Motor and Sensory Play

50+ Gift Ideas Promoting Motor and Sensory Play

Christmas is almost here and if you've been wracking your brain for gift ideas for the kiddos, but don't want to give anything that lights up, flips around, or requires buttons to push, this...
packing away the baby chapter

Packing Away the Baby Chapter

Some old burp cloths almost made me cry today. I spotted them, tucked away in a basket in the living room, and realized I don’t need them there anymore, ready to grab at the...

Me? Selfish? Maybe…

"You will never sleep again." "Your life as you know it is over." "You will change." ...and I'm sure there are other countless quotes that people use to describe someone's life when new parents are expecting. In August...

5 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known When Having a Miscarriage

5 Things I Wish I Would've Known When Having a Miscarriage | You didn't do anything to cause this. You can be older or younger. Black or white. Fit or fat. Rich or poor....

I Want My Mommy (Still)

Ever since I was little, I've heard my mom say..."You just wait. You're going to have one of you one day, and then you'll understand!" Usually this statement followed an event where I was...