What’s the IDEAL age gap between Kiddos?

It's obviously a very personal decision deciding how big to make your family. Lisa recently shared her extremely selfish decision to 'only' have one child. {grin} But if you do decide to have more...

Only Doesn’t Have to Mean Lonely: Having 1 Child

Vanessa wrote about the pressure to provide Caroline with a sibling last year. She titled her post the same way I react when someone asks me when I'm going to have another baby. Seriously?! Lucy...

It’s almost Grandparent’s Day! How will you celebrate?

Did you know that Grandparent's Day is THIS Sunday?!!   Jimmy Carter first declared Grandparents Day a national holiday in 1978, and ever since, people have been following his lead to celebrate the impact grandparents...

Raising Boys!

If someone would have asked me if I thought I would be the mother of all boys I would have said "no way"...I am such a girly girl in every way, so it only...

My Money-Saving Tips for New and Expectant Moms

Everybody knows that babies, as well as pregnancy, can become very expensive. And as the mother of a two-year-old, I'm all too familiar with the cost of parenthood. During my pregnancy, I was overwhelmed...

Giving Drew the Birth She Deserved

For me, the birth of my son, Trent, was a turning point in more ways than one. Of course, his birth made me a mommy, and for that, I will be truly thankful. But...

Ever Thought About Egg Donation or Surrogacy?

Egg donation and surrogacy has to be one of the most selfless things a woman can do for another family.  I’m past the point {age wise} for egg donation and just had a baby...

The Most Magical (and Stressful) Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel to Florida with my family and visit Disney World! Now, I know we've heard Disney stories before, but everyone has a different experience and...

Backseat Boredom Busters: How to have FUN while road tripping with kiddos!

Summer vacation is almost over, and if you're anything like me, you are just desperate to get one last trip in before school starts!  Now, while we are super lucky to live in Austin...

Keeping Enfamil in Business: Formula Feeding in a Breast-centric World.

Yes, we know breast is best. It's been beaten into our heads since the day our children were conceived! But sometimes, even the most natural thing in the world can be a struggle. And...