‘Tis the Season to get SPOOKY!

I'm not going to lie, Halloween is one of my least favorite holidays.  I feel like it's just in the way of Fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Regardless, as a mother, I feel like it's...

WIW: Stokke Tripp Trapp

As with everything dealing with babies and children, there are a zillion and three different high chairs, booster seats and devices to help make sitting at the table a little more palatable with a...

DIY Wardrobe Planning Sorters

We had a major PTL (Praise the Lord) moment in the Barry home this week: I'm HOME!  I have been traveling NON-STOP for three weeks (I've been home two days in those three weeks)...

Worth it Wednesday: The Diva Cup

FYI…Our Worth it Wednesday series will now be posting every other Wednesday!   Today, I will cover a topic that is a little T.M.I….but it is a fact of life for us ladies. Period. Some don’t...

Sharpen the pencils, make the lunches…

It's that time again....summer is coming to an end and school will begin soon! I don't know about you, but our summer has flown by. I'm excited for school to start and sad for...

Wild Western Bash!

I've never wanted to be pinned so badly as I do now.  Ha! Two days ago, Allison and I celebrated the births of our little cuties with a birthday bash to remember. We've already shared...

Staycation: The Krause’s go to Krause Springs

We have been wanting to get a camper trailer for a very long time, we almost bought one a few years ago but changed our minds at the last minute. Well, now we have...

Review: The Quarry Splash Pad

I recently took my kiddos to The Quarry Splash Pad in Cedar Park for the first time. I heard a lot about it last year when it opened, but it was soooo HOT last...

School’s Out….Now What?!?!

Seems like not long after school starts in the fall, kids (and some parents) are already asking "how long until school is out?"....then when school is out the countdown begins for how long until...

Worth it Wednesday: Amber Teething Necklace

Now I consider myself a pretty natural mama. My kid eats organic (even at the cost of her college fund, but that's what scholarships are for, right?), she knows her downward dog from her...