The Life-Changing Magic of VarageSale

Sponsored By: VarageSale The Life-Changing Magic of Varage Sale I recently went on a de-cluttering spree in my entire house, inspired with energy after reading the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. One...

Austin’s Best Frozen Treats

Heyyyyyyyy Texas summer heat and all my fellow Austinites with a sweet tooth! Austin has plenty of awesome frozen treats to offer. Some of these recommendations are tried and true local favorites. Others are...

Love More, Judge Less – Maintaining Grace With Motherhood

In the world of Mom Blogging, I'm still fairly green. I've been reading mom blogs and feverishly commenting on them for around four years, but writing for one is still a whole new experience...

Teaching Our Kids To Marvel At Easter

Easter is the best day ever. It’s not just another holiday on the calendar... Over spring break, my mom and I took my kids to the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco. We had a great...
Austin Moms Blog } 5 Regrets of a Kinder Mom

5 Regrets Now That I’m a Kinder Mom

 A wise person once said that in life, there are no regrets--only opportunities to learn lessons. I'm willing to bet that person was probably not a mother. One of the most shocking things I realized about...

June Family Events in Austin

After a beautiful Spring, June steps in to keep the magic going!💫  Can you believe we are half way through the year? 😳 And what a year it's been so far! 💕This month we...

Best Baby Name in Austin Contest

Announcing the "Best Baby Name in Austin" contest! I got this idea off of Huffington Post. They are hosting a Best Baby Name of 2011 Bracket and I thought...hey....we can do that! So, we are! 1.)...

DIY: End of the Year Class Gift

You guys...I'm seriously having a moment over here.  My first born babe is thisclose to being a Kindergarten graduate!! WHAT?!! This year has gone by so fast, and I cannot believe we only have a couple...

Learning To Parent From YOUR Parents

I did not grow up cool. (And maybe I never became it either! :) ) I had the strictest parents on the block. But now that I’m 33 and a mama of 1.5 children,...