Motherhood Is Gross

Pinworms. So, if you don't know what they are, it is probably the grossest kid disease that you can imagine. Here's how they get them...kid touches something that has remnants of poop on it...

How Camps Prepare Kids For Their Future

Sponsored By: VentureLab VentureLab CEO Cristal Glangchai on how entrepreneurial camps prepare kids for their future When VentureLab CEO Cristal Glangchai started her undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, she noticed she was practically the only woman around. While...
Austin Moms Blog | Is Motherhood Right For You?

To Be or Not to Be a Mother: Is Motherhood Right for You?

This may sound like a strange question to pose, but let’s be honest, motherhood ISN’T right for everyone. So to be or not to be a mother? I already am one. So now what?  I...

Losing Yourself in Motherhood

"We were her kids, her comrades, the end of her and the beginning." -Cheryl Strayed (of her mother) When I watched Wild a few weeks ago, this quote sucker punched me,. "The end of her and...

Rid Yourself of the “Summer Stir-Crazies”

  "Schooool's out. for. the summer. Schooooool's out. For....ever??" Yikes. Your kids are out of school for summer! Hurray!! Right? Well, mostly. And maybe less so as summer continues.  But for now, we'll stick with "mostly"....

The Problem with Misogyny: One Mom’s Reaction to Tim Hunt

A few weeks ago, Nobel laureate and biochemist Sir Richard Timothy "Tim" Hunt made some pretty controversial statements regarding women in science at the World Conference of Science Journalists: "Let me tell you about the...

Tips to Protect your Children from Predators

The stigma that surrounds the word predator leads us to believe that this person is easily recognizable - the guy who hangs out by the school in a van asking kids if they like...

About Face, Thoughts on Little Girls and Makeup

Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline. So which is it? Born with it or not, there are very strong cultural and societal expectations that women be aesthetically appealing. At ALL times. Let’s face...

Dealing With An Addict in the Family

I have an addict in my family.  Do you have one in yours? Perhaps you are reading this blog, and you have a spouse or an older child who is an addict, in which case,...
Austin Moms Blog | 2015 Austin-Area Celebrations and Fireworks

2015 Austin-Area Celebrations and Fireworks

Many thanks to Hill Country Galleria for partnering with us to bring you this comprehensive roundup of 4th of July events and celebrations. The Hill Country Fest offers FREE activities on July 4th at...