4 Reasons To Block Blue Light + Our Favorite Brands

In a year when no working mom thought she would ever become a homeschooling mom, many things with our health have been studied and come to light. One of those is looking more closely...
Austin Achieve Public Schools

Supporting Your Child Through Distance Learning | Austin Achieve Public Schools

Even as schools in the Austin area begin to re-open, in-person learning remains an intimidating option for many families for various reasons. At Austin Achieve Public Schools, we are proud to offer exceptional on-campus...
Virtual Learning

5 Tips to Help With Virtual Learning | Sylvan Learning Center

I first made the decision to homeschool well over a decade ago, when I was a mom of 2. As the years passed, my household expanded from four to nine. I learned volumes of...
in-person learning

What I’ve Learned Since My Kids Started Back to In-Person Learning

I held my daughter’s soft hand as her brother raced ahead to the bus. It was the first day of in-person learning at school. Parents waved at each other, smiled, and made comments on...

Pregnancy + Smart Devices… What To Know To Protect Your Baby

Behavioral difficulties in children are becoming more common these days, little did moms know this could start as early as pregnancy and they only had to look as far as their smart devices. As...

My kids are fine with virtual learning, it’s me who is on the struggle...

As a mom of 7 kids, I’m no stranger to learning at home. I was a homeschooling parent for many years, but last year almost all of our kids decided to go to public...

It is okay for my kids to be left out.

It is okay for my kids to be left out. The weight of it hit me like a ton of bricks. A brewing, stormy friendship had reached capacity and all those big feelings bubbling just...
school grade older

And just like that… another school grade level older

This week is the week that we all embark "back to school"...virtually. And just like that.... they're all another school grade level older. Like most districts, our family's school district will be virtual for...
Back to School

Back to School in a Pandemic – Let’s Be Kind

It is so hard to explain how I feel about the kids returning back to school in the middle of a pandemic. The reality is, I'm not sure how I feel about it. On...
Potty Training

Mama Didn’t Raise No Chiflada: A Potty Training Tale

I’ve spent the last year trying various different potty training tactics on my three-year-old son. I’m talking, letting him be naked all day, giving him a piece of candy every time he had a...