cuss words

Cupcakes and Cuss Words

My son's first bad word was because of me. Which, might I add, was completely unexpected. If you've ever met his Grammy or his Daddy-O, you would have thought for sure one of them...

A Busy Mom’s Lunchbox Ideas

If you are the "#extra" type that makes Mickey Mouse-shaped pancakes on weekday mornings, this post may not be for you. I'm that "Grab a breakfast bar on your way out the door!" kind of...

Four Little Baby Feet :: A Moment in Time

It was early one week day morning, my husband was traveling and it had been a long night with the baby, making the early morning seem that much earlier. Both my girls, 7 and...

Spanking, the Mighty Wooden Spoon

Spanking, the Mighty Wooden Spoon Okay before you run off and join the lynch mob that is inevitably forming against me, I ask that you at least read my entire blog and understand I am...
Preschool blues

First Year of Preschool Blues

Well, it happened. My daughter, my only daughter, my only child, has started preschool. Sighhhh. Where does the time go? Thank goodness it is only twice a week, and only five hours long, but...

Reasons Your Tiny Human Might Be Crying

Blogs about kids crying or parents drinking wine to self-medicate tantrum induced headaches are not anything new. Clearly lots of parents have tiny humans that whine or cry for ridiculous reasons. So much so that...
Austin Moms Blog, Olive You Nanny

Olive {I LOVE} You!

When I was a little girl I knew all I wanted to be was a mom. People would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up and the answer was "I want...

Toddler Friendly YouTube Links

YouTube often gets a bad rap, but there are some beneficial and educational videos out there. I’m not advocating for always plopping your kid in front of a screen, but we all know there...

Competitive Parenting

Competitive Parenting From my son's Kindergarten class to my daughter's swim school, even in the drop-off line, competitive parents are lurking.  I know them, because I am one.  And for the record, I'm perfectly okay...

Happy Earth Day, Y’all!

With today being earth day we thought it would be appropriate to share a fun activity you can do with your kids to make them feel connected to Mother Earth. Now that Caroline is...