Results! Did My Boy/Girl Experiments Work?

I just posted this morning the results of my highly scientific experiments to determine whether my second baby was a boy or girl.  The results of 4 different 'tests' predicted this baby to be...

Boy or Girl? An Experiment!

Today is the day.  I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby.  At 10:30 this morning, we will find out whether our son, Trent, is getting a baby brother or baby sister.  It...

Meet Our New Faces, Austin Moms Blog Is Growing!

When Vanessa and I started this blog almost a year ago, we thought we could do it ALL! A few blogs a week each, a diaper change in between, coming up with fresh ideas...

Olympic Games 2026

With the Olympics dominating my television, two things have been running through my mind: One: I cannot imagine how proud the athletes and their parents must feel to be representing our amazing country and YEARS...

Fashion Friday: Back To School Shopping!

It's that time of year again - back to school shopping. I love to shop and my daughter, Saylor, follows right in my footsteps. My son, Parker, however loathes everything about shopping starting from...


Have you seen the Saturday Night Live stint called Really?  Well, that's what inspired my post today, but I'm calling it "Seriously." Since joining the mamas club of the world, I've been a lot more...

Girl Look At That Body, I-I-I Work Out!

I haven't worked out in at LEAST three years. Lincoln is 2, I was pregnant for 9/10 months, and I know I wasn't working out in the months prior to my pregnancy. That equals...

Gimme, I want it all and don’t want to clean my room!

I recently read an article about American children being the most spoiled kids in the world. Do you agree or not? Since I have not traveled the world I am going with the assumption...

Boobooshki and Little Buddy

We spend months dreaming of the future name of our growing baby and then they're here....they're beautiful and that sweet name that you pined over for months, potentially fought over for months, turns into...

WIW: DVRing Kid’s Shows

Allison and I have both blogged about our tots watching TV from time to time (you can read those blogs here and here) and today I'm going to do it again. 75% of us...