Homemade Powdered Laundry Detergent

When Allison blogged about her homemade detergent, I honestly chucked.  I envisioned her tiny 5'2 frame stirring that big ole container of lavender scented detergent for the good of saving a few bucks.  Well,...

This Mama Needs a Night Out

The last two years have been a lot. Are you tired, mama? Because I sure am. I’m the kind of tired that lives in my bones, aching to lie down and take a nap....

5 Tips to Joining Bank Accounts

5 Tips to Joining Bank Accounts Last night a newlywed(ish) couple and some of our besties told us they had an announcement. They combined their bank accounts! The reason they made this seemingly random announcement is...

Reality set in the day my husband quit his job

Reality set in the day my husband quit his job. Last year I wrote an article called “Equal Career Partners, Unequal Parenting Responsibilities.” When I wrote it I was frustrated by my career-parenting load,...

Work While Your Kids Play in Austin

Even parents who have angel children who will happily entertain themselves all day, or parents who are lucky enough to cobble together summer camp for the entire break will need to get out of...

A Star Is Born: Gearing Up For Halloween

Is it too soon to be planning for Halloween? I’ve actually been making wreaths, collecting pumpkins, perusing costumes, and stocking up on pumpkin spice EVERYTHING since August! If I could get away with decorating...