Do You Feel A Bit Like A Rubber Band During The Holidays?

The holiday season forces most people to feel a bit like a rubber band being pulled in various directions in order to accommodate all family’s feelings and happiness. If you’re like most people, you...

Christmas Cookies!

One of the greatest things about Christmas are all of the yummy goodies!  I'm not great in the kitchen but I can follow a recipe and there is nothing like a good Christmas cookie recipe...

To Lie or Not To Lie…In The Name of Santa?

Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert! So do you start off your kid’s childhood memories by lying to them or not? How do you deal with the innocent questions of whether or not Santa Claus is real?...

Worth It Wednesday: Diaper Genie

Back to the ole baby registy.  Like we've said before, walking into Babies R Us or Bye Bye Baby is BEYOND overwhelming.  One of the "must haves" on all baby registries is a Diaper...

The Dreaded “Meet Santa” Photo Opportunity: Vanessa & Allison’s 2011 Experiences

Every year since joining Facebook, I (Allison) love Christmas time for the shear fact that I get to see all of my mommy friend’s failed attempts at the dreaded “Meet Santa Claus Photo Opportunity”....

Help! I’m Addicted to Facebook Boutique Shopping!

Have you noticed a growing trend of Facebook Boutiques?  A lot of these boutiques are not exclusively on Facebook but they are promoting their business (like crazy!) on Facebook and luring moms, like me...

Yes! You Can Take Your Baby To a Movie!

If you're a working mom like me, sometimes you feel guilty shipping your kids off with a sitter on the few days you're not working.  I know it's a constant struggle for me.  I used...

Do You Love Santa Or Is He Totally Icky and Germ Infested?

I love Santa! I love Santa so much that every year as a child I remember going to get my picture taken with him at the mall. I never noticed that every year he...

Twelve Days of Christmas!

History Lesson Time!  YAYYYYY!!!!!!  Do you remember in October when Allison shared the true meaning of Halloween...well fast forward a few months and we get Christmas.  I trust that you all know the true...

Meet Frosty

For my kids school Christmas parties this week, we are going with a snowman theme and purchased this adorable printable party pack from Shindigs parties on etsy.  If you saw my Thanksgiving post, you...