One Day Changed A Family Forever: Lincoln’s Birth

I knew early on that Lincoln was going to be born by cesarean section due to the fact he was in the breech position and didn't seem to be budging anytime soon. My OB...

Cake Balls: How Does Bakerella Get Them So Perfect?

Cake balls. Perfectly round cake balls. Starbuck’s esque, Bakerella style cake balls. This is all I have been thinking and dreaming about for weeks. You might remember me talking about a little thing called,...

There’s an App for That…

Seriously! There are apps for EVERYTHING! I love being an iPhone owner and pride myself on my ability to figure anything out within minutes due to the world wide web being at my fingertips....

Daddy Dilemma: Baseball or Ballet

Now that Caroline is walking and talking, it’s time to start thinking about what extra curricular activities she is going to participate in as she gets older. This discussion has created a certain parenting...

Guide To Shopping With your Conscience in Austin

Guide To Shopping With your Conscience in Austin We’ve all heard of shopping local, but what about shopping with your conscience? What I mean by that is choosing specific companies or brands based on the...

Adopting a Family for Christmas

Being involved with charities has always been a big deal to the hubby and me. We try to either adopt a family every year for Christmas or help out with an organization like Brown...

Farmers Markets in Austin

I was first introduced to Farmers Market two Thanksgivings ago while on vacation in Maryland.  I loved seeing the local vendors and also loved the prices.  When we lived in Dallas, the Dallas Famers...

DIY “4th of July” Shirts for the Kids

I never dress my kids alike and I’m definitely one step behind when it comes to holiday inspired outfits. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever dressed my children appropriately or themed for any...

I’m Having A Baby This Week, Y’all!

I’m having a baby this week, y’all! So here’s some random ramblings of the last nine months and the last few weeks. I haven’t talked a lot about this pregnancy and a friend the...