Today, I recruited my best friend's amazing husband, Kenya to share his experience with raising not just a teenager, but a teenage daughter. We often focus on the little ones, but those young-ins will be teenagers before we know...
{We are 6 days out from Father's Day 2014 and to honor the men in our lives, we are turning over the blogging reins to some pretty special dads this week. Check out all of our dads this week...
We've been talking a lot about summer lately and even though summer doesn't officially start until June21st, it's hot and school has ended for my kids so to me, it is OFFICIALLY summer! Over the weekend we shared some easy...
As a Northern California native, Texas gets pretty HOT! I remember not wanting to leave the house during my first summer in Austin. I was very grateful for air conditioning that summer! Fast forward 9 years, I love the...
Another school shooting.  This time too close to home for me. My parents met at SPU.  I graduated from SPU.  And now my cousin is finishing her freshman year at SPU. When I got a text alert from Fox News last...
Do you find that school related anything is blowing up your news feed these days? Whether it's the end of preschool, the start of summer camps, or graduation, it seems like school is hot topic right now! Recently I wrote...
My kiddo (age 16 months... ahem, I mean 1 year 4 months) doesn’t really watch TV. We hardly ever have it on while he is awake. If the TV is actually on while he is up, there is a...
When I was younger, I knew there were two things I really, really wanted – kids and if one of those kids was a boy, I wanted him to play baseball. How would kids be encouraged to do anything...
In case you missed it, last Tuesday we had an Austin Moms Blog play date at the Austin Aquarium. Somehow we managed to forget the name tags that were in the bottom of my baby bag, but beyond that mishap,...
The title of this blog is a little misleading. You probably thought you were going read about some miracle meal that came from an accidental blend of something in the kitchen. Welp, you're not. Sorry! You're going to read about...