You Breast Believe: Breastfeeding Is HARD!

You Breast Believe: Breastfeeding Is Hard! To breast feed or not to breast feed that is the question..  When I asked my mom if she breastfed me when I was a babe she said it...
Austin Moms Blog | When Breast Isn't Best

When Breast Isn’t Best: Breastfeeding Gone Wrong

BREASTFEEDING. When I hear the word I cringe.  My experience with breastfeeding was extremely difficult.  When my son, Turner, was born I was adamant I would breast feed as long as I could, or...

Pumping at Work: Tips & Tricks

So, most of you fellow veteran moms would probably agree with me when I say: pumping is a total drag! After my son was born I battled major oversupply (as in mastitis three times...
natural birth

I Wanted a Natural Birth

When I was pregnant with my first baby I really, really, really wanted a natural birth. I had it all planned out. I was going to go to a local birthing center where their...

Why I Choose Not To Wear Makeup

Why I Choose Not To Wear Makeup When I wake up in the morning, my routine is quite simple. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and hair, wash my face, and get dressed....

Special Addition Rocks My World

  Special Addition Rocks My World! I'm currently 9 months pregnant with my 3rd bambino. After struggling with several miscarriages and growing 3 humans, I've been pregnant for nearly 4 total years of my life. I...
Austin Moms Blog

4th and Final Baby- AMB’s Newest Lil’ One

Baby makes 6! Baby McLane made his big debut on April 7 and we were all beyond ready. I had my 3 previous babes all at 39 weeks, so when I made it to 40...
Why I Stopped Breastfeeding

Why I Stopped Breastfeeding

Three weeks after my middle son was born my husband found me sitting on the shower floor crying and slightly hyperventilating. My boobs were sore. And tired. For the last three weeks I either had a...

Bloom :: For New & Expectant Moms

We are excited to present Bloom :: A New and Expectant Mom Brunch Who :: All Austin area mothers (you do not have to be expecting to attend!) What :: A morning of learning, fun, and pampering in celebration of...
nursing bra

Life in a Nursing Bra

With the birth of my second child on Feb. 1st, life has transitioned in many ways...surviving the newborn fog, learning to be a family of four, and of course: breastfeeding. Thank goodness for no...