Breastfeeding: It Still Works for Us

Yes, that's my 18 month old that just asked for "boo boo." Yes, she is still breastfeeding. No, I don't really care to hear your opinion on why you think I should have weaned...

Two Introverts And A Baby

  Two Introverts And A Baby When my husband and I were expecting our baby, we talked a lot about how our lives were going to change. We were prepared to sleep less. We also knew...
Austin Moms BLog | Bed Sharing :: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Bed Sharing: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I’ll admit, our family did not plan on being a family that shared the bed, but with our first daughter, it just kind of happened and we never turned back.  When she was an...

Breastmilk. Every Ounce Counts. 

Breastmilk. Every Ounce Counts.  I'm a proud breastfeeding mama to 3 once little humans, but now this image is a super distant memory. One thing I know for sure about breastfeeding is that it is...

Is Pumping Your Way of Breast Feeding?

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I’m just going to say it: exclusively pumping breast milk sucks, and I’m not just talking about the pump sucking. When I was prego, I always planned on...

Meet Lauren Wiatrek

Meet Lauren Wiatrek Hello Austin mamas! I am absolutely giddy to be writing for Austin Moms Blog. I was born and raised right here in fabulous Austin, Texas where I grew up frequenting the chilly waters of Barton...
Austin Moms Blog | Why I Chose Extended Breastfeeding

Yes, That’s a Toddler On My Breast: Extended Breastfeeding

So much about raising my first child has turned out to be trial-and-error {sucks to be you, son!}. A lot of decisions were made in the heat of battle because I just didn't know...

Why I Only Feed My Kids Full-Fat Milk

I suffered from post-partum depression after my first son was born. I didn’t realize how bad I was suffering until I ended up, hospitalized. He was just 6 months old and because of the...

My Postpartum Body

My Postpartum Body I recently read an article titled," The Day I Stopped Hiding My Postpartum Body from My Husband". Based on the title, I rolled my eyes and said "THE FIRST DANG DAY!" Then...
Abigail Head

Meet Abigail Head

Hello ATX Mamas! My name is Abigail Head. I am a thirty-something wife, mama and Native Texan. I am basically from Austin; we moved here from Houston when I was 8 years old. I...