Plant-Based + Gluten-Free Meals

Over the past 18 months since having my son, I have really started to examine the food that I eat. I've always felt "puffy" even after "eating well" and working out like a crazy...

(A Humorous View of) What To Expect When You’re Pregnant

A description, A-Z, of what to expect when you are pregnant. First time Pregos...I hope you find this humorous, as well as informative. Veteran know it's all true A is for... Aww HELL no...hemorrhoids? Heartburn? Varicose veins?...

Knowing When Your Family is Complete

As I sit here today and breathe in the sweet relief of getting through the newborn stage, I stare at my amazing family, and I know in the bottom of my heart my family...

Nutrition and Pregnancy: What I Wish I Had Known Before Having Kids

Pretend we are best friends getting coffee together. If I knew you might become pregnant or were struggling postpartum, I'd strongly urge you to supplement your diet with high quality supplements -- before, during,...

Team C-Section

I know a vaginal birth is best, ok? I KNOW!!   It's safer.  It's the way God designed it. It's less risk to the baby and the mother. The recovery time is shorter. I KNOW!! But look, as...

Postpartum: Remembering to Breathe

My husband gently reached over to me, lunging a baby towards me. It was 3 AM. I had just fed him at 2 AM. Shaking my head, I thought to myself, “No.  No.  No. ...

Eat Your Veggies! Encouraging Picky Eaters

On my daughter's second birthday, she was presented with a small cupcake after dinner. After we helped her blow out the candles, we all watched with anticipation as she began to taste the sweet...

Our NICU Journey

It was our first night as a family and at 4 a.m., the nurses were doing their check in on our little girl. In my sleepy fog, I watched as they checked her out....

How to Make Your Own Baby Food

Ah, baby food. It is curious how something so simple has become so complex. I’ve seen many highly judgmental mom-debates on Facebook about when to start feeding babies food, what to feed them, and...

Understanding and Respecting Classroom Food Allergies

As a first-time mom to an 18-month-old who seems to be food allergy-free, the notion of dealing with childhood food allergies was pretty foreign to me. Our first encounter came this summer, at half-day church...