7 Ways To Be A Positive Parent For Your Picky Eater

Not long ago, my husband was on call and I was home alone with my 3-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son. Both kids were crying and vying for my attention, so I did the best...
guide to pumping

A New Mom’s Guide to Pumping On-the-Go

Breast pumping on-the-go, even with baby, is life for me. Beach trip? Take the pump. Work trip? Take the pump. Road trip? Take the pump. Day trip? Take the pump. See, I’m an exclusive...
pumping mom

True Confessions from a Pumping Mom

When you collectively spend weeks of your life pumping breast milk for your child, there are a lot of thoughts and incidences that happen along the way. I actually saw a post the other...

Why I Chose a Natural Birth

I chose to have a natural birth at a birthing center.  You may be thinking that I hate hospitals or I'm against epidurals but you're wrong. I chose a natural birth for two reasons. 1. I have...

My Top 5 Nursing Bras

I’ve been wearing a bra since I was 13 years old. I’m not bragging, being one of those well-endowed females has its ups and downs. At the time, I truly hated having to wear...

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Before I get into this topic for Breastfeeding Awareness Week, I want to mention that not every mom gets the luxury of breastfeeding. Whether it’s because of physical, personal or financial reasons, sometimes breastfeeding...

Boobie Business: Tips And Tricks To Help With Breastfeeding

If you decide it’s right for you, breastfeeding is a wonderful way to feed your baby. But it’s not always easy. I thought I was totally prepared for breastfeeding—after taking a short class and...

The Journey: Milk to Starting Solid Food

Most babies are ready to start some sort of solid food at 4 months of age. Enjoy the ride, it is fun seeing their little taste buds light up and experimenting with different foods...

Happy To Go Without Grains

Happy To Go Without Grains February 21st is National Grain Free Day. This is a pretty big deal in our family since I follow a ketogenic diet and my entire family eats a lower-carb, high-fat...
sibling complex

The Sibling Size Complex: A Big Girl And A Small Boy

  I have two kids. One eats everything and the other eats nothing. One is in the 80th percentile and the other is in the 5th percentile. One is 3.5 and the other is 1.5. One is a...