Round 5: Best Baby Name in Austin Contest

Time for Round 5!  This round will close today at 7 pm!  We will announce the Girl vs Boy names MONDAY morning!  Oh new prize! Note:  If you experience any issues voting, please comment...

Take me out to the ball game…and….

don't be the crazy parents! As a baseball mom of two boys I am considering calling up a TV network to see about starting a new reality show. Move over Dance Moms, here comes...

Community First! Village | Charles Maund Toyota

Community First! Village | Charles Maund Toyota Arriving at the Community First grounds I was taken aback with how many forms of housing I immediately saw...AirStreams, RV's, tiny houses and a teepee. Now I think...

Austin Moms Blog is “Hiring”

As you all know, Jessica has left Austin for "Baustin."  As depressing as we are about her leaving the Capitol City, we know this move means great things for her and her family.  Jessica...

Austin Pumpkin Patches 2014

It is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! Pumpkins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cupcakes - you name it and add pumpkins and I'm there! Plus, WHO DOESN'T LOVE PUMPKIN PATCHES??? The Austin area is vast...

Happy Halloween from Austin Moms Blog!

As we approach All Hallows Day (November 1st), we must showcase All Hallows Eve also known as Halloween! From pumpkin carving, costumes, apple bobbing, ghosts, and goblins to candy corn, trick or treating, haunted...

Weekly Recap: January 23 through January 28

I hope you all had a great week!  Our blog certainly did!  Our Best Baby Name in Austin Contest was a HUGE hit and it all ends tomorrow with the "Best Boy Name" versus...

Great Cloth Diaper Challenge

On Saturday, April 21st, Allison and Vanessa participated in the Great Cloth Diaper Change. Vanessa learned of the event via the Goddard School's weekly newsletter and thought it would be something fun for them...

Promoting Health and Wellness From a Young Age

As mothers all we really want in the end is to know that we have done the best things possible for our children, right?  We take them to the doctor for immunizations and to...

Weekly Recap: February 13 through 18

Howdy folks! I hope you all stayed dry with all of the crummy weather we had this week! In Austin news, the Capital state crowned their new representatives last night at...