Ultimate Guide To Kids Art Activities In Austin

Austin has no shortage of activities to encourage your kiddo’s appreciation of the arts. The area’s museums and libraries always have fun activities where the whole family can get creative. Your budding Picassos can...

Raising Daughters In A Sexually Pushy World

Raising Daughters In A Sexually Pushy World The older I get the more conservative I get. The biggest reason is Jesus. In our home, we know that this world is only our temporary home…but society...

First I’m ME, Then I’m Mama

First I'm ME, Then I'm Mama   Listen, I eat, sleep, and breathe #momlife. I’m all Mama, all day, everyday. But let’s get one thing straight, before there was “mama”, there was me... and I’m not...

A Day in the Life of Toddler Homeschooling

Let me just first say that never in my wildest dreams did I ever see myself homeschooling my kids. For one, I have a Ph.D. and find my sweet spot in more rigorously intellectual matters...

Little One Please Take a Nap Already

Your little belly is full of food, you've been given water, the lights in the living room have been dimmed. There is white noise playing and I've sung "You are my sunshine" 100 times...

My Promise To My Firstborn

Dear Son, I know that life has been crazy lately, and I wish I could explain everything that's happening. You've seen your momma's belly grow and you know that you're going to have a new, baby...
blueberry eyes

Blueberry Eyes for Mother’s Day

It is around this time of year that I reminisce about my first daughter’s birth, she was born a week before Mother’s Day. The daughter that made me a mother. The daughter that made...

Awesome Austin Splash Pads You Won’t Want to Miss this Summer

It's once again that glorious time of year, also known as Splash Pad Season! If you've made it through at least one Austin summer - or even early fall - then you know how...

Everybody Into the Pool! An AMB Swim Lesson Guide

  Just as the cobbler’s children had no shoes, this swim teacher’s kid couldn’t do the backstroke worth a lick. In my teens and 20s, I was a lifeguard, swim instructor, and camp aquatics director,...

Sing, Dance, Play & Learn with Music Together®

tuneBugz! is kicking off a FREE WEEK of Music Together® music classes all over town and everyone’s invited! tuneBugz! classes support music development through all ages and stages of early childhood. Owner and teacher Amber Nichols...