As a photographer, Lord knows, I take plenty of photographs of my children.  But most of the time, they sit in my photoshop and no one gets to see them.   Same is true for videos.  I have so...
After experiencing a not so wonderful relationship in college, I remember writing down in my journal the qualities in a man I desired (I was probably sobbing at the time).   It can be hard as a woman to find...
I'm sure every pregnant mother has heard, "Enjoy your sleep now, because you are not going to get any once your baby is here." I cringe every time I hear it!  Yes, it's true, your sleep will be different, but it's...
As a wife, boy-mom to two littles, and now, a full-time working mom, it has a been a major challenge to get any dinner on the table every night - much less a tasty, unique, complete meal - in...
You'd think as moms, our excellent multitasking skills such as texting while making sandwiches, getting the kids to baseball practices and recitals while still managing time to do our nails, that we'd do better in the meal planning department. But let's...
It’s 6am. I hop in the shower, throw on my robe, start the battle of getting kids up; they are dressed, teeth brushed, hair done, lunches made, breakfast eaten and out the door by 7:20. Within that hour and...
I am on my 7 month anniversary. I know, should you be listening to such a fresh new wife? I think yes because this is the best advice I've received to create these helpful tips for the newlywed and...
Ever heard  someone say, "I wonder who's running the show in their family", and you know they're referring to the out of control toddler throwing the tantrum in the middle of the Target toy aisle, and although you laugh...
I'm going to say (type) a word and I want you to say the first thing that comes to your mind.  Ready? Exercise. Here are some of the words I expect I would hear:  Ugh, Blech, No way, Exhausting, Expensive, Hate,...
We'd like to express our utmost thanks to our attendees and vendor sponsors from our Mommy Foodie Fair last week!  The evening was put on in partnership with Dishcrawl and was Austin Moms Blog's first experience with a food-centered event...thanks to...