We love Halloween at our house.  And when I say love, I mean we L-O-V-E Halloween.  The hubs and I began dressing up when we started dating 15 years ago!  14 years ago (yes, we've been together FOREVER!), we...


Happy Halloween! Okay, so, I'm a day early.   But, in this house, we start talking about Halloween in August so we are beyond ready!   No seriously.  Does this happen to you?  Do your kids start thinking about their...
The Caldwells have been Austin-ites for over two months now. Drivers licenses have been switched, Texas plates adorn both of our vehicles and all three of us have some form of burnt orange in our wardrobes. It’s obvious: we...
So you're probably wondering what Ribbies Clippies and Leg Warmers have in common? Absolutely nothing... We just felt that Moms need fashion inspiration for themselves too!!! Ribbies Clippies is offering a giveaway at the end of this blog so...
First there were two… Then there were three… And then........ I’ve been granted so many blessings in life…far more than I feel I deserve sometimes. Today I’m filled with gratitude, love, endless blessings, and best of all, baby #2!...

Pregnancy Pet Peeves

I love being pregnant.  It probably sounds weird to some people to say that, but, to me, there is something so magical about what my body is doing.  I feel so special, and there is an amazing connection for...
I'm not going to lie, Halloween is one of my least favorite holidays.  I feel like it's just in the way of Fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Regardless, as a mother, I feel like it's part of my job description...
Do you find that the most difficult part of your day is figuring out what to do with your hair? Personally, I have super long hair and I find it's always a nuisance to figure out my hair for...

Get your PINK on!

and support Breast Cancer Awareness month! I'm sure you have heard that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and it is the second leading cause of death among women. Scary stuff. Have you...
I’m not really a rebel, rule breaker, or disappoint-er; I’m not necessarily a goodie two shoes, rule follower, or people please-r either. But for some reason when it comes to blog business I love to push the envelope!!!! I...