Strange title for the blog, right?  Well, the question for the day is....can a child catch daddy issues from a mommy? Walkin' Solo Down the Aisle For the larger part of my life there hasn't been a prominent male role model...
*So I know "Worth it Wednesday" is supposed to be a short blurb, but I tend to be a bit long-winded, so you can consider this another full blog for the day! A 2-for-1 Wednesday! Sweet.* Well I thought it...
What was your initial reaction when you find out you were going to be a daddy? Scared $hitless- but extremely excited & vulnerable all at the same time. The initial reaction fueled me to be ready for our bundle...
Speaking of Mirror Mirror, my mom and I went to see it this weekend and if you're in the mood for a feel-good movie with an exceptionally yummy male lead, this flick is for you. But moving on to the...
Good things come in threes – except for those three oldest Kardashian sisters and their evil conspiracy (or “Konspiracy”) – right? So goes the cliche, and so it has been for me with parenthood too. Oh, sure – the magical...

A Mother’s Love

A mother's love is both her greatest blessing and her biggest curse. It causes her heart to soar to heights never before imagined, but can also cause her the greatest pain, fear, and guilt. Can you imagine the feelings of...
I’m a member of a “secret group” on Facebook. I know… it sounds strange to me too, but I love being able to post things about mommyhood and female stuff that not all 515 of my friends can read...
Just typing the title of this post gave me anxiety.  Flying with toddlers can be hellllllllllll.  I took a trip last week (solo) and thought it would be valuable to document my crappy experience for others to learn from. But...
A month or so ago I told you all about making my own dishwasher detergent so today seems appropriate to do a Worth It Wednesday on the concoction that I raved about in this blog. Over the last month of...
When people find out that I'm a full time mom, a full time blogger and a full time employee they often utter the words..."Wow! I don't know how you do it all!" and the truth is, half of the...