Are You Seriously Smoking Around MY Baby?

Last Friday night Wesley and I decided to have a family date night so we took Lincoln to Sandy’s Hamburgers.  The beauty of Sandy’s is that there is an inside or outside area to...

Can You Mix Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training??

Ah, sleep issues. Those without them don't understand the fuss (cough, cough, Allison, in this post about her amazing sleeper!), and those with them . . . Well, they're just trying to survive! Austin...

Close Calls and Cruise Ship Directors!

  I recently made the discovery that mothers are the cruise ship directors of emergency situations. We must keep our kids calm, safe, AND entertained even when our own hearts are racing in panic.  This post...

Worth it Wednesday: Chiropractor for a Breech Baby??

*So I know "Worth it Wednesday" is supposed to be a short blurb, but I tend to be a bit long-winded, so you can consider this another full blog for the day! A 2-for-1...

Mirror Mirror on the Wall Make Me Skinnier Than Them All!

Speaking of Mirror Mirror, my mom and I went to see it this weekend and if you're in the mood for a feel-good movie with an exceptionally yummy male lead, this flick is for...

Keep Austin Breastfeeding! Interview with Austin Lactation Consultant Linda Hill

So y'all may not know this, but we have a celebrity here in Austin (and I'm not talking Lance Armstrong or Sandra Bullock). I'm talking a celebrity in the world of breastfeeding! I mentioned...

Ingesting Our Placenta and Spitting Chewed Food in Our Kid’s Mouth?

I’m a HUGE TMZ fanatic and I check my I-Phone app 2-3 times per day just so I can get my latest juicyness fix. A couple of days ago I was getting my daily...

Worth it Wednesday: Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water

Does your baby have colic? Gas? Teething? Acid reflux? I am assuming that your baby has/had at least two of those, none of which are fun for parents or the baby. I am a...

Baby To Bikini Progress–4 Weeks to Go!

There is only one thing I hate more than people who hang onto cardio equipment (for the record you burn up to 30% less calories when holding on. And you look ridiculous. There are...

Obesity Awareness Campaigns

A few weeks ago, one of my Facebook friends posted the picture below.  I didn't know what to think.  These are two out of many images Georgia is using as part of their Obesity...