Holiday Traditions

The holidays are a time full of family fun and traditions (hopefully anyway). Traditions can create so many wonderful memories for us as we grow up then as we have our own families. I...

Make the most of Halloween!

We love Halloween at our house.  And when I say love, I mean we L-O-V-E Halloween.  The hubs and I began dressing up when we started dating 15 years ago!  14 years ago (yes,...

‘Tis the Season to get SPOOKY!

I'm not going to lie, Halloween is one of my least favorite holidays.  I feel like it's just in the way of Fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Regardless, as a mother, I feel like it's...

It’s Pumpkin Patch Time!

Fall is a really exciting time of year for me.  I love all the holidays that seem to come rapid fire.  I love the memories I have of time with family.  I love pumpkin...

Becoming a Homeroom Mom.

I have officially been named Co-Room Mom in my son's Kindergarten class.  And I am really excited about it!!!  Is that lame?  I am such a big nerd, I was completely anxious for two weeks waiting to...

A Star Is Born: Gearing Up For Halloween

Is it too soon to be planning for Halloween? I’ve actually been making wreaths, collecting pumpkins, perusing costumes, and stocking up on pumpkin spice EVERYTHING since August! If I could get away with decorating...

The Frio River: Family Vacation Spot

One of my husband’s fondest childhood memories is going to the Frio River so it’s no wonder that for Memorial Day weekend he wanted to make a trip to the tiny town of Leakey,...

What Are You Wishing For This Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all of the amazing women that spent months watching their body change with stretch marks and extra weight, spent countless hours in labor, who were forced into...

Show the teachers some love!

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 7-11….what are you doing for your kids teachers? My kids have been extremely blessed with amazing teachers that my boys, husband, and I LOVE {with the exception of one...

A Mother’s Love

A mother's love is both her greatest blessing and her biggest curse. It causes her heart to soar to heights never before imagined, but can also cause her the greatest pain, fear, and guilt. Can...