Awesome Austin Splash Pads You Won’t Want to Miss this Summer

It's once again that glorious time of year, also known as Splash Pad Season! If you've made it through at least one Austin summer - or even early fall - then you know how...
Gifts for New Moms

15 Mother’s Day Gifts for New Moms

The first Mother’s Day for a new mom should be extra special. She just brought a miracle into the world, and she deserves to be celebrated. But with a newborn around, and the sleeplessness,...

Memorial Day Weekend Staycation Ideas

In the spirit of the holiday, Memorial Day weekend is a time to enjoy our family and friends and celebrate our beautiful country. What better way to enjoy the Land of the Free and...

Frugal Summer Fun In and Around Austin

Summer is fast approaching, and if you’re like me, you are wondering what you will do with your kids for 2+ months. My kids range in age from four years old to fifteen, so...

The ABCs and 123s of Kindergarten

Whether you’re a #KinderMom newbie or veteran, here are 20 Kindergarten tips to establish a sparkling start to your child’s first year of school: Teach your child to verbalize needs. Understanding our kids’ needs...

Taking on a No Spend Month

At the end of February, I was looking over our miscellaneous spending and noticed two trends: (1) we eat out too much and (2) we visit the convenience store wayyyyy too often. Seriously, my husband...

Goose Meet Gage: A Few Simple Ways to Introduce Your Fur Baby to His...

There are so many things to think about when imagining being responsible for another one's wellbeing. I have always been one to gradually work my way into responsibility. For instance, in my first solo...
Easter baskets

Simple & Spring Themed Easter Basket Ideas

When Easter falls, I can’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed. I mean, we live in a world that bounces from one Hallmark holiday to the next. As the ball is dropping on New...
Pi Day

7 Kid Friendly Pies for Pi Day

Most people remember learning about the infamous mathematical constant number Pi.  Right?  So, Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. We learn to use 3.14 as Pi while working on...

2018 Summer Camp Guide

It’s hard to believe it, but summer camp registrations are already opening up for Spring & Summer 2018! We have compiled a list of several types of fun local summer camps for your kiddos…including...