Divide & Conquer: Weekend Road Trip

Today our family is road tripping it to the Frio River "area". We aren't actually "Frio"ing it this weekend but our family ranch is in Leakey and most people know the area as The...

Three Things That Surprised Me MOST About Stay-at-Home Motherhood

Good things come in threes – except for those three oldest Kardashian sisters and their evil conspiracy (or “Konspiracy”) – right? So goes the cliche, and so it has been for me with parenthood...

Flying With Toddlers

Just typing the title of this post gave me anxiety.  Flying with toddlers can be hellllllllllll.  I took a trip last week (solo) and thought it would be valuable to document my crappy experience...

Worth It Wednesday: Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

A month or so ago I told you all about making my own dishwasher detergent so today seems appropriate to do a Worth It Wednesday on the concoction that I raved about in this...

Work Life Balance…What is That?

When people find out that I'm a full time mom, a full time blogger and a full time employee they often utter the words..."Wow! I don't know how you do it all!" and the...

Baby Daddy Spotlight on Matt

What was your initial reaction when you find our you were going to be a daddy? A little bit of shock. It wasn't anything we had discussed and we weren't planning to have a baby...

#AMBPicoftheDay Contest

It's contest time!  So, last month while Facebooking I kept seeing these "Picture of the Day" posts and it was so awesome (see the example below by Erin Vancura!)  We thought we'd flatter the...

Hunger Games: Battle for Easter Eggs!

Ah, Easter. That glorious time of year when adorable children dressed in their Sunday best battle it out on grassy arenas for plastic eggs filled with jelly beans and gum balls. Well if your little...

Latest Infant/Child Recall Lists

As promised, here are the latest Infant/Child Recalls. Be sure you don't have any of these items! Umbro Boys’ Jackets with Drawstrings Recalled; Waist Drawstrings Pose Entrapment Hazard; Sold Exclusively at Ross Stores Swing Sets...

Austin Mommy Spotlight on Ashlee

Were you “ready” to become a parent? Was it planned? Our first pregnancy was not planned and was not ideal timing, however I wanted nothing more in life to be a mother so I adjusted...