loss of a child

What Facebook Forgot on Father’s Day…

I sat down and put my fingers to the keyboard to quickly type out my usual “I love my Dad, Father-in-law, Grandfather, and husband” type of Father’s Day Post, accompanied by adorable pictures of...
holiday chaos

Embracing Holiday Chaos

There are countless holiday movies providing comic relief to the oh-so-common struggle of holiday chaos. Sometimes, I feel like our family holidays are the perfect script for one of these holiday movies. My family...

20 Must-Haves During Cold & Flu Season

Don't be fooled by this lovely warmer weather we've been having...cold/flu season is still in full force!  Actually, it's funny I should be writing this post, as half our family is currently under the weather....
parent-teacher relationship

5 Tips to Make Your Parent-Teacher Relationship a Success

Whether you have a parent-teacher conference coming up, want to further connect with your child’s teacher and/or help build a more solid foundation for academic and social success both inside and outside of school,...
staying home with school age kids

Becoming A Stay-at-Home Mom When All My Kids Are In School…

My boys are 10, 7 and 6. They are all in school full time. Yet, I have made the decision to become a stay-at-home mom. I know, it seems a little backwards. Most moms...

You’re Doing Parenting All Wrong

Welcome to parenting, where you’re given no guide to navigate yet still manage to do it all wrong. If you grew up in a perfectly parented home, hopefully you can pass along the goodness. If...
Daughter hates me

“I Hate You And I Wish You Would Die”

Those exact words came out of my daughters mouth last week. I sort of expected something like that to happen someday, but not at 6 years old. I should point out that she didn’t say...

The Problem with Misogyny: One Mom’s Reaction to Tim Hunt

A few weeks ago, Nobel laureate and biochemist Sir Richard Timothy "Tim" Hunt made some pretty controversial statements regarding women in science at the World Conference of Science Journalists: "Let me tell you about the...

Miscarriage: SHHHHH!

“Miscarriage.”  The shock flooded me as my heavy legs fell lifeless onto the cold, hard, impersonal hospital table, blood draining from my white face, I lay still and confused. It was an early miscarriage, insignificant...

Austins Best Indoor Play Places

I don't know about you, but I'm a pool mom… That means every single day between wake up and nap time my toddler and I are at the pool or the splash pad… There...