Great Expectations of Motherhood

I think I can speak for most women when I say we all had an idea of what married life, adult life, and parenthood would be like. Hey, I never said what you thought was...

Worth It Wednesday: Coconut Oil

When I was in college, I went through the self-discovery stage that most young folks experience the first time they’re sent out on their own.  For me, this resulted in 7 years as a...

Does Your Child Have a Delay, Disorder, or Difficulty?

When I first got pregnant with Lincoln my brain immediately went to worry. Worry I’d have a miscarriage, worry that he wouldn’t have 10 fingers and 10 toes, worry that his test results wouldn’t...

The 7 Best On-the-Go Snacks for Moms

  I'm a bona-fide snacker.  I don't ever sit down for lunch and I usually eat about every two hours.  Being a "snacker momma" (yes, I just made up that term), I consider myself quite the...

That Day I Ate My Placenta

Lisa recently blogged about her struggles with postpartum depression, and Ashlee shared this summer her experiences with postpartum anxiety. I too struggled with postpartum anxiety after the birth of our son, Trent. To sum it...

Getting Rid of the Guilt.

A couple of weeks ago I read an article on The Huffington Post titled "Breastfeeding is Worth it."  It caught my attention because I am 9 months into exclusively breastfeeding Finn, and I read...

Cloth Diapers: Solving Nighttime Leaks

There seem to be two types of people when it comes to cloth diapers.  There are those who are nuts over cloth, and there are those who think people who use cloth are just...

Dealing With Depression

We usually keep things pretty light here at Austin Moms Blog. But today, I’m writing about a very personal experience that gets pretty dark. Allison mentioned a few weeks ago that one of the AMB...

Broccoli, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Oh My!

Do your kids eat veggies? Do they actually like them or just eat them because mom says so? Today we discuss the mixture of kiddos and the usually dreaded vegetables. I am a lucky...

Flush the Toxins Part 2

Last week I wrote a post on my first detox was just a 3 day cleanse of healthy smoothies, water, vitamins, and detox baths. I started on Tuesday and ended on Thursday, just...