Worth it Wednesday: The Diva Cup
FYI…Our Worth it Wednesday series will now be posting every other Wednesday!
Today, I will cover a topic that is a little T.M.I….but it is a fact of life for us ladies. Period. Some don’t...
Spice up the good ol’ lunchbox
Well not literally make it spicy, just add some variety this year instead of the same ol' thing every day. I must admit that making lunches for my kiddos some times just turns into...
Beat the Heat: Check the Back Seat
The other day after swim lessons I was getting in my car. It was probably 100 degrees and around 4:30 in the afternoon. My butt immediately stuck to my leather seats, I could barely...
Fingernails, Toenails, and Wierdness, OH MY!
Who would have thought toenails could tell you something about your health? Not me! When Lincoln was born his toenails still had a lot of skin over them {almost like an ingrown toenail}, but...
Rest in Peace, Olivia
Vanessa and I met Lauren Sapaugh when we were vying for the title of Miss Texas USA in the mid 2000s. Throughout the years, thanks to Facebook, baby showers, and weddings (of course), we've...
My child has WHAT?!?!
I would like to introduce a special guest blogger today, Allena! We went to high school together, although don't think we have ever actually hung out {going to have to change that!}. We started...
Worry, Panic, Fear…
Postpartum anxiety and depression are so common I think every pregnant woman wonders at some point "will it happen to me?" I felt so blessed when nothing happened after I had my first son...
Girl Look At That Body, I-I-I Work Out!
I haven't worked out in at LEAST three years. Lincoln is 2, I was pregnant for 9/10 months, and I know I wasn't working out in the months prior to my pregnancy. That equals...
Meal Planning
I'm not one to try and save a buck here and there (well...I was when my hubby was briefly unemployed, but that's different.) I'm not frivolous by any means, but whatever...you get the point....
Muffins, brownies, cakes, Oh My!
Two summers ago I kept getting very sick with what we thought was a reoccurring stomach bug…I had 6 in an 8 week span. By the 3rd one I knew something else was wrong....