Worth it Wednesday: Amber Teething Necklace

Now I consider myself a pretty natural mama. My kid eats organic (even at the cost of her college fund, but that's what scholarships are for, right?), she knows her downward dog from her...

Damn You Hormones… I Hate You Hormones!

Today is a little less about being a mom and a lot more about being a woman...with hormones...serious serious hormones. Yes, you heard that right; today is about HORMONES! Okay, kind of… it’s also...

How does daddy put a seed in your belly to make a baby?

Let’s go back to the days when you liked watching Elmo and we could sing Itsy Bitsy Spider together….I’m not ready to explain the exact process of how babies are made. A little back story:...

I Like to Eat Eat Eat Apples and….

I'm a big fan of my daughter's preschool.  I love everything she is learning and the friends we're making in the process.  I do not, however, love some of the habits she is picking...

Do You Have An Eating Disorder?

Do you have an eating disorder? Before rumors get started, I’d like to start off by saying two things: Today is not actually about eating disorders and no, I don’t have one. But the...

If Wishes Were Horses (+ a GIVEAWAY!!!)

Forget Cinco de Drinko-- for a lot of horse-crazy folks out there, this weekend was all about Derby Day! Well if the big race got you pining for a pony or hoping for some horsey time,...

Are You Seriously Smoking Around MY Baby?

Last Friday night Wesley and I decided to have a family date night so we took Lincoln to Sandy’s Hamburgers.  The beauty of Sandy’s is that there is an inside or outside area to...

Can You Mix Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training??

Ah, sleep issues. Those without them don't understand the fuss (cough, cough, Allison, in this post about her amazing sleeper!), and those with them . . . Well, they're just trying to survive! Austin...

Close Calls and Cruise Ship Directors!

  I recently made the discovery that mothers are the cruise ship directors of emergency situations. We must keep our kids calm, safe, AND entertained even when our own hearts are racing in panic.  This post...

Worth it Wednesday: Chiropractor for a Breech Baby??

*So I know "Worth it Wednesday" is supposed to be a short blurb, but I tend to be a bit long-winded, so you can consider this another full blog for the day! A 2-for-1...