Cervical Cancer Awareness

I Am One of the Lucky Ones: Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

I am one of the lucky ones. My regular pap smear triggered a follow up call to tell me that abnormal cells were found and I would need a repeat, just to rule out...

Best Friends & Rainbow Babies Through Pregnancy Loss | UT Health

A story of how two women were brought together over recurrent pregnancy loss  Kim and Julia weren’t best friends in college, they didn’t meet at a book club, or even through mutual friends at a...

Reclaiming Meaning for Motherhood Despite Childloss

My first Mother’s Day as a new mom started with ice cream and a massage at 39 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. It ended with my incredible doula and amazing nurses at Seton preparing me...

Natural Ways to Increase Your Fertility

How to Naturally Increase Your Fertility | For those that don’t know my story, we’ve been through the ringer with trying to increase fertility; let me save you a buck and years of your...

Surviving the Holidays During Infertility

Every day it seems like there is some type of “national day.” National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, National Taco Day, National Puppy Day, or one of my personal favorites, National Margarita Day....

Our Little Angels Matter Too: Pregnancy Loss Awareness

(Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss/Miscarriage/Pregnancy After Miscarriage)  Pregnancy loss is sensitive and it’s full of pain, and heartbreak but that doesn’t mean that it should be a taboo subject that we must keep to ourselves. Just...

Ways To Support A Friend After A Miscarriage

The first positive test. Your heart starts to flutter- maybe you even shed a few tears of joy or fear. After 10 minutes of staring that that positive pregnancy test you've created an entire...

Endometriosis Awareness Month–What It Means For Me (And You)

Last week, I found myself watching the 18th season of Grey’s Anatomy, both because I have no idea what’s good on TV anymore, and because I’m a masochist. As soon as I heard the...

One of the 1 in 8: Infertility Awareness Month

June is Infertility Awareness Month, and when it came to being one of the 1:8 women who experiences infertility, I was very unaware. I spent more than half my life trying not to get pregnant....