Managing Behavior…Advice from an Expert in Practice

I feel like I'm always the mom who rolls her eyes at advice or has her arms crossed when people attempt to say something philosophical. Maybe I'm more of a realist...or maybe I'm just...

AMB is growing again!

The Austin Moms Blog family is growing again....the Krauses are having baby #4!!! We had plans to adopt and I shared those stories {story 1 & story 2} and then I wrote about the...

What’s the IDEAL age gap between Kiddos?

It's obviously a very personal decision deciding how big to make your family. Lisa recently shared her extremely selfish decision to 'only' have one child. {grin} But if you do decide to have more...

Only Doesn’t Have to Mean Lonely: Having 1 Child

Vanessa wrote about the pressure to provide Caroline with a sibling last year. She titled her post the same way I react when someone asks me when I'm going to have another baby. Seriously?! Lucy...

Confession: My Kids Make Me Proud

How When I think about my three kids, I instantly think about how different they each are. Even though they came from the same two people and are being raised by the same two...

Raising Boys!

If someone would have asked me if I thought I would be the mother of all boys I would have said "no way"...I am such a girly girl in every way, so it only...

The Most Magical (and Stressful) Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel to Florida with my family and visit Disney World! Now, I know we've heard Disney stories before, but everyone has a different experience and...

DIY “4th of July” Shirts for the Kids

I never dress my kids alike and I’m definitely one step behind when it comes to holiday inspired outfits. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever dressed my children appropriately or themed for any...

Why I Say “NO” To Toys In The Bedroom

Okay, okay....let's get it out on the table.  I cannot stand toys in the bedroom!!!! Oh, and go ahead and remove your mind from the gutter.  (wink, wink) A couple of weeks ago, our master bedroom...

Happy Earth Day, Y’all!

With today being earth day we thought it would be appropriate to share a fun activity you can do with your kids to make them feel connected to Mother Earth. Now that Caroline is...