I really wish I wasn't writing this article. I hate that postpartum exists. I hate that I experienced postpartum anxiety with both of my children. I hate how I felt during those months. I hate that postpartum casts a...
  Pregnant? Vacationing? Go to a resort. Period. First trimester = so miserable. For me at least. Hyatt Regency Lost Pines = heaven in the pines. We head there every few months for a staycation and it was due time. I...
Helping our babies and toddlers learn to read feels overwhelming.  Where do you even begin?!?!   I don't have all the answers but I do have five easy, no preparation involved, activities that will help your littles start to build...
Today we have some creative ideas for the kids for after school. From relaxation to a home work station, here are some great ideas for school-age kiddos!   Relaxation Jar/Bottle: This is a great way to let the kids unwind...
I tried making this post short -- I really did. But I just kept typing and typing ... so get a cup of coffee and settle in for a long read. I'm hoping this post helps people understand where...
If you saw the movie, "The Purge", then that word should startle you and it has a different meaning now than it did prior to the Hollywood blockbuster. The premise for the movie was a futuristic society where the government thought...
Sponsored By: Barre3 For tonight's SUNDAY SPOTLIGHT, we are featuring Christina Lee, mom to 2 beautiful Irish Twins {barely 12 months apart}! Christina is an avid Barre enthusiast and is excited to share her experience with Barre3 tonight! The SUNDAY SPOTLIGHT...
Moms are passionate about children's books. Once you discover a family favorite, it will forever hold a special place in your heart. The memories of reading to my children before bedtime are some of my favorite and I...
I had a friend suffer through 2 miscarriages in the first trimester before delivering a healthy baby. When she found out she was pregnant for the 3rd time, she told me 'If I can just make it past the...
Last night's Moms in the Know: Cloth Diapering & Potty Training was a great success!Tonia Johnson from eLeMeNo-Pee started the night off by educating moms about cloth diapering. We learned why it's best for baby and the environment:Carcinogenic chemicals...