Ready For A Swagger Wagon? Read This Before You Buy…

Ready For A Swagger Wagon? Read This Before You Buy... I admit it...there was a time I scoffed at minivans.  As a twenty something parent, I hunched over my little sedan and popped that infant...

Cockroaches Can Trigger Asthma?!

Cockroaches Can Trigger Asthma?! My son’s chronic cough led us to a trip to the allergist for allergy testing. During our appointment, I was shocked to learn that on a list of 30 environmental allergens,...
mom needs a sick day

Mama Needs a Sick Day

As soon as I delivered my first baby, I realized very quickly that sick days were now nonexistent for me. My body had just endured a marathon, and was in need of recovery. And...
december birthdays

Your Snarky Guide to Navigating December Birthdays

All I want for Christmas is for someone to remember my birthday. You’ve seen the meme. But it’s only funny because it’s true. Holiday birthdays kind of suck. And because you weren't smart enough...

Best Shoes for Every Age

Our family takes shoes seriously: my husband has a larger collection than I do, I (like any red-blooded American woman) adore shoe shopping, and we actively seek out the best brands and highest quality...

How Becoming A Mom Changed Me

How Becoming A Mom Changed Me Yes, becoming a mom changes your life in obvious, amazing ways. Yes, your heart gets bigger and unicorns burst into your home singing gospel hymns and all that jazz....
embrace the chaos

Embracing Toy Chaos

So, you know how there’s all those moms on the internet talking about how they only “live in the now” and how their houses are messy because they’re “making memories” and blah, blah, blah?...

The Real Gift We Can Give: Patience

Tis the season for it is better to give than to receive. But what are we giving this holiday season? To each other, to ourselves, and most importantly, to our children? Raise your hand...

Unequal Parenting: Why Equality Isn’t Always Best

The topic of child rearing responsibilities is one that can cause great debate, not only between mothers who differ in opinion, but even within a family where parents may not see eye to eye...
keepsake gift

The Best Keepsake Gift From My Husband

When my son Hudson was born ten years ago, like any new momma, I KNEW that I was going to document everything, not only through photos, but also in his beautiful baby book. I...