9 Family Friendly Day Trips from Austin

Another school year is winding down, which means summer is knocking at the door. If you're like me, you're already in planning mode thinking of different ways to keep your littles entertained throughout the dog days of...

Book Review: Yawning Yoga

When my daughter is 16, I hope for a few things: 1) For shorts to be longer 2) For less time online and more time outside 3) For teenage girls to care more about how their bodies...

Kids Can Help With Chores

I would do anything for my kids.  But, I want them to be independent and successful adults who move out of my house and contribute to society...so I don’t.  When my twelve, ten, and...

Stealth Kid-Friendly Restaurants (North Central Edition)

Stealth Kid-Friendly Restaurants (North Central Edition) Psst! Over here! I could get in major trouble for sharing this intel with you, but here goes. . . There’s more to life than Chuck E. Cheese. You know how sometimes...

A Few Family Favorites…recipes, that is!

A couple of days ago my grandmother sent out an email to our family suggesting that we start compiling our favorite recipes to make a family cookbook.  My sister jumped on it and offered...
Mosquito Authority Austin

Why Your Family Should Spend More Time Outdoors

By Mosquito Authority Austin Children are spending half as much time outdoors as they did just 20 years ago. The benefits of spending time outdoors go far deeper than you might imagine. Here are a few...

Staycation Ideas for Spring Break

With Spring Break three days away, you probably have one thing on your mind...what the heck am I going to do with these kids all week? Well, for those of us on a tighter budget,...

Create GREAT Dental Health

When I first meet someone and they find out through the typical pleasantries that I am a pediatric dental hygienist, the first question I typically get goes something like this, “When should I take...
pool with two kids

How To Survive When You’re Outnumbered At The Pool

  Summer is a glorious time of year when the scorching heat beckons you to toss on a sundress, make some homemade lemonade and head to the pool. Novel in hand, sunscreen in tow, time...

10 Tips to Get Your Swimmer Ready for Summer

Get excited, y'all -- summer is practically here! Here's to long sunny days spent at splash pads, Barton Springs Pool and the lake! Swimming is a favorite summertime activity for littles of all ages and...