Brain Basics #2: The Four Fs

For this part of the series, we are going to look at the biological responses commonly known as fight/flight/freeze The brainstem is essentially in charge of our basic survival...and that includes our reactions to...

Guide to Austin Area Pediatricians

We know that finding the right pediatrician for your kiddos is a daunting task with dozens of options all around the city. To help, we’ve compiled all of our favorite pediatric practices in one...

Wife Wants Breast Implants? What Men Should (and Shouldn’t) Say

Sponsored By: Synergy Plastic Surgery It may come as a shock to some, but guys don't always start doing backflips when their wives or significant others announce they are thinking about getting breast implants. Many men...

Spotting Hand Foot Mouth Disease

While my kiddo and I were on vacay across the country, he developed hand foot mouth disease (while getting molars). I had no idea. Because like so many things with kiddos, these germs showed themselves...

Biological Test For Autism: What This Means For Our Youth

The first ever biological test for autism is about to hit the market, and we got the inside scoop! With autism prevalence rising in recent years, parents are learning more about the signs for developmental...

Brain Basics, Part One: Your Brain Is Complex!

Have you heard of Interpersonal Neurobiology?   It is the emerging science of how the brain develops in response to our relationships.  As mammals, we literally cannot survive without relationships. And subsequently, the kinds of...

What To Do When Your Child Tells You She Is Fat

In late 2017, I wrote a post called My Changing Body as a way to talk about body image and weight in ways women don’t discuss enough. I’ve never been fully satisfied with my...

Worth it Wednesday: My Brest Friend

Does it make it sound a little cooler to say that the Boppy ain't got shit on the My Brest Friend? Nope, using the term My Brest Friend still sounds completely ridiculous. That really...

The Power of Mom’s Love :: Brain Dead Mama Gives Birth To Her Baby...

The power of a mama's love is something that is continually shown. Despite being brain dead, a mom in the Czech Republic gave birth to a healthy baby girl 117 days after the mother...

How Learning About the Enneagram Has Helped Me Heal

My hands trembled as I carefully copied the final sentence of my report onto a fresh sheet of lined notebook paper. In that bygone era when computers weren’t a household commodity, final drafts needed...