House Crashers: Inside Our Living Rooms

I don't know about you, but I love looking at Pinterest (Follow our boards here) just to see how other people decorate their living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens and with that, we're bringing you...

DIY “4th of July” Shirts for the Kids

I never dress my kids alike and I’m definitely one step behind when it comes to holiday inspired outfits. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever dressed my children appropriately or themed for any...

Worth it Wednesday: Farmer’s Markets

As a kid, I used to eat fresh, raw broccoli straight from my dad's garden, unwashed and straight off the plant.  If you've ever eaten really fresh broccoli, you know it has a delicious...

How To Make Chalkboard Mason Jars-It’s DIY Day!

Some crazy guy decided to marry me a couple of years ago. Pinterest was just becoming known and Etsy was all the wedding planning rage. Since I was a stay at home mom and...

Keeping Track of Milestones

I will readily admit that I am a little bit obsessed with taking pictures of my kids and documenting every little thing they do. Being a second child myself, I was NOT going to...

DIY: End of the Year Class Gift

You guys...I'm seriously having a moment over here.  My first born babe is thisclose to being a Kindergarten graduate!! WHAT?!! This year has gone by so fast, and I cannot believe we only have a couple...

No Poo Update

I wrote about wanting to try going 'no poo' a while back. And to be honest, it took me a few weeks to work up the courage to actually do it. When I realized...

DIY Beauty: What’s In Your Kitchen Can Make You Beautiful

We are a little beauty-obsessed here at Austin Moms Blog. Just yesterday, Ashlee wrote about her love for her Clarisonic which is a product I really can't live without. I purchased mine with a...

DIY: Teacher Appreciation

Teacher Appreciation week is May 6-10 which means it is time to show these wonderful people some major love! Teachers definitely have a special place in heaven for everything they do, so I make sure...

Finn’s First: A Beatles Birthday Bash

Today is Finn's first birthday!  To celebratehis first birthday, naturally we had to have a big party!  And, let's be honest - a first birthday party is WAY more for the parents than for...