Making My Own Smash Cake: To Sugar or Not to Sugar?

If you would have asked me before I had a child if I would ever bake my kid’s cakes, I probably would have said no. However once my child started to eat solid foods,...
Austin Moms Blog | Add Some Glitter To Your Life {DIY}

Add a Little Sparkle to Your Life

Don't we all need a little sparkle in our lives? Lately I've been on a glitter kick. You name it and I've slapped some glue and glitter on it... particularly gold. It's probably from...

I Make My Own Diaper Wipes, Seriously! HomeMade Recipes Part 1

I think I’ve made it pretty clear in previous posts that I am seriously into SAVING MONEY! It’s sort of turning into a game these days and while we can certainly afford diapers, toilet...

Mom’s Guide To Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day to celebrate love and romance with your sweetheart.  It used to mean expensive champagne, fine chocolate, red roses and a candlelit dinner.  But Let’s get real, once you...

Worth it Wednesday: Farmer’s Markets

As a kid, I used to eat fresh, raw broccoli straight from my dad's garden, unwashed and straight off the plant.  If you've ever eaten really fresh broccoli, you know it has a delicious...

Valentines…and the Mom “Talent Show” Drama

Oh goodness. Where to even start with this? Well, here. I know. Let me start with a few disclaimers. This post is BOUND to get some hate. I am prepared. This post, despite some ranting and...

12 Kid-tastic Christmas Ideas That DON’T Require Pinterest

I love Christmas but I am not a domestic diva. Like not a domestic diva at all. My husband cooks (and well I might add) and one of my new year’s resolutions is to spring...

10 Fall Activites For Kids {When It Still Feels Like Summer}

While we DID get a little taste of Fall last week (wasn't it wonderful???), central Texas still has many a day left of warm temperatures...and if not warm, warm-ISH.  When the calendar says Fall,...

Fixing up & Fessing Up: Confessions of an Airbnb beginner

Hello from Sweatpants City! Population me and, I guess, now you too! Here we have our hair in top knots, paint covered clothes, frustration and exhilaration carved into our faces (interesting to look at...
fall crafts

Fall Kid-Friendly Craft

Growing up, I was not a fan of the Fall.  It meant that summer was over, school had begun and Winter was coming.  But now, as I get older, I have grown to adore...