What Type of Mom Friend Are You?

Or should the real question be what type of Mom friend do you want to be?  Imagine that you are running out the door with a messy bun, black leggings, a graphic t-shirt, a little...

Becoming A Parent Changed My Relationship With My Parents

Becoming a parent is one of the most life-changing events one can have. I was prepared (somewhat) for the hormonal changes. I was prepared (somewhat) for the lifestyle changes. However, I was not prepared for how my...

Talking To Kids About Respecting Our Leaders: How Viewing The President Has Changed Over...

Talking To Kids About Respecting Our Leaders: How Viewing The President Has Changed Over Time Editor's Note: Our team edited the featured image in this blog post in an effort to stay authentic to the...

Teaching Your Kids The Lifelong Skills Of Self Discipline And Organization

Teaching Your Kids The Lifelong Skills Of Self Discipline And Organization While other kids were getting an award for kindness and sharing in my daughter’s Pre-K class, I thought I had achieved next level parenting when...

No, You Can’t “Just Let Go” Of Control

No, You Can’t “Just Let Go” Of Control   “Just let go” How many times have you heard that phrase?  How many times have you been able to “just let go”?  It’s just….not that easy, is it?...

Joy Isn’t Happiness: The Surprising Difference I Found

Joy Isn't Happiness: The Surprising Difference I Found Here’s a little story that should sound familiar, because this story happens in all the homes across the country. Unless you run a real tight ship, and...

Mom’s Guide To Effortless Journaling

Mom's Guide To Effortless Journaling I’ll never forget the moment I received my first journal. I was five that Christmas, and Santa knew how I'd longed for a special space of my own to record...

Tips For Communicating With Your Partner Without Getting Defensive 

We’ve all been there… we’ve been mid-conversation with our partner and then at some point (it often feels sudden), we find the conversation going from mutual collaboration to feeling defensive, which typically looks one...

Moms Guide To Networking

Moms Guide To Networking I would like to imagine a perfect world where all of my closest friends had babies at the exact time I did.  Spoiler alert... life does not work out that perfectly.  All of...

Sometimes Marriage Is Hard: Expectations Can Be Killer.

Sometimes Marriage Is Hard: Expectations Can Be Killer. Sometimes? Who are we kidding.    Guys, Gals... I’ve got news. Marriage is hard, if you didn’t gather that from the title of this blog, it’s killer hard. I’ve got...