
Momming on Chemo

When I wake up in the morning, my husband has usually been up for an hour or so with our eldest, spunky, doesn't-need-sleep daughter. Before I can greet anyone I have to take my...

A Letter to My Daughter About “Our” Separation Anxiety

Dear Beautiful Little Beast (one day you will hate me for calling you that), You were so excited getting in the car with me this morning, ready to go on another one of our mommy...

Mother’s Day DIY

In a perfect world, I would take the trip with my family. I would plan something extravagant with the kids or I would lounge in a day spa in my snuggly white robe to...
stylish daughter

My Daughter Is Way More Stylish Than Me

I’ve loved fashion for as long as I can remember. In the early 90s, I wore bandannas as belts, vests over everything, and combat boots with sundresses. I hoarded used Vogue magazines under my...
oregon trail

What Ever Happened to the Oregon Trail?

I've sent many kids off on their first day of school, but this year it was my youngest niece who kept up the tradition and it brought back a flood of memories. The fashion,...

#Momstrong Stronger Than You Realize

“You are stronger than you realize!”  This “mantra” was exclaimed to me countless times by the well-meaning midwife as I attempted to master what really should be physiologically impossible and push something the size of...

To The Moms Who Are Getting That Degree

Dear Moms working on a degree, first let me say, I see you and I appreciate you. Second, no you aren’t crazy, it is hard. It is infinitely harder with children around. This past summer,...
Mother's Day Out

Why Mothers Day Out is Worth it

If you had asked me three months ago if Mother’s Day Out (MDO) is worth it, I would have strongly hesitated before answering.  We have our battles.  For one, my daughter is now a...
prepping for a second baby

Prepping Your Little One for Baby #2

As parents, I think we tend to stress about every.single.thing. being perfect. Like, all the time. For some things, it's totally irrational (i.e. my kiddo's first birthday party, which they surely wont remember). For...
Austin Moms Blog | The Potty Wars

The Potty Wars

I purchased a potty at 18 months, thinking I would be smart, getting ahead of the game. I mean how hard could this potty training thing be {really hard}. My kid is smart and...