working mom in summer

Summer Bucket List…as a Working Mom

I have three kids, ages 12, three, and one. As you can imagine, summer activities that entertain all three of them simultaneously are few and far between -- if they even exist at all. As a...
prepping for a second baby

Prepping Your Little One for Baby #2

As parents, I think we tend to stress about every.single.thing. being perfect. Like, all the time. For some things, it's totally irrational (i.e. my kiddo's first birthday party, which they surely wont remember). For...
girl moms

Girl Moms: Pressure For Daughters To Be Perfect

Where are all my girl moms at? Lately it seems that #boymom posts are all the rage. As a proud girl mom of two I scroll through these posts and ask myself how much...
spring flower pots

DIY: Spring Flower Pots

  Spring. In our house that means: being outside from sun up to sun down, crafting, kinda sorta spring cleaning, and pretending to know how to garden. This year, I decided to go next-level and...
Mother's Day gift ideas

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and there’s no time better time than the present to find the perfect gift for the hard-working mommas in your life! Here’s a cheat sheet with some...
after birth

The Birth Aftermath

After birth, no matter how you birthed, is no joke. As for me, I have had two natural, vaginal births. For a good two weeks you are in a serious recovery stage. For me,...
Earth Day activities

5 Kid-Friendly Earth Day Activities

  The following is another guest post by my creative, crunchy (in the best way) friend Carly Tatum.  I desperately want my boys to be good citizens of our planet. It’s a daily pursuit: “Please put that...
Embracing the now

Embracing the Now

It always sounds like a good idea, meeting friends with little ones for a park play date. Every time (and I mean EVERY TIME), I end up on what feels like Suicide Watch for...
fired my mom

Why I Fired My Mom

I worked in the nonprofit field… aka… my childcare costs even for part-time work were pretty much what I made in a paycheck. However, I was one of the lucky ones. My mom gave...

Meet Lauren Wiatrek

Meet Lauren Wiatrek Hello Austin mamas! I am absolutely giddy to be writing for Austin Moms Blog. I was born and raised right here in fabulous Austin, Texas where I grew up frequenting the chilly waters of Barton...